Barnes & Noble Nook Color

MotB Chaos

Veteran XV
Went to Washington DC last week and did something REALLY stupid. I left my Amazon Kindle in the seat pocket of the fucking airplane. On the first leg of the trip, no less.

I loved my Kindle. It was small and light and great to read books with.

So I'm in DC and I had a $100 Best Buy gift certificate and I end up getting a Nook Color.

I'm glad I did. This thing is awesome. It's basically an Android tablet for $250.

So far I've:

- Watched high def videos (awesome, way better than watching on my droid or iphone)

- Played a few games (Angry Birds, etc)

- Surfed the web (also better than the smaller phones, but not as good as an Ipad because of the smaller screen)

- Read a few books and magazines (there are tons of magazines available. I got Car and Driver).

Battery life is decent. I used it about 6 hours straight and still had 33% battery left. Regular usage at home and it'll last me about 3-4 days.

The interface is nice. It doesn't really feel like it's running Android. But the functionality is there and the price is right and you can root it if you really want to.

Compared to the Kindle, it's a tradeoff. Kindle is much better at reading outside or in other situations where glare is an issue, but the Nook Color can be read at night without having to use a book light or other light source. Kindle's battery lasts like 3 months or something ridiculous. Kindle has easier page turning with the buttons on the side. But... the Kindle is just for reading.

So that's my review. I like Barnes and Noble and want them to open more stores (unlikely right now), so I decided to let you guys know about this product. Go buy one.
Wife got it. Gathering dust. I-pad dominates. Don't be a pussy. Pony up the extra dough for an ipad.