Ban trucks!

Gunfire is not possible. Guns aren't allowed there. I'm sure there is another explanation for the bullet holes.
Surely this will be a wake-up call for everyone who says that trucks are not dangerous deadly weapons. We need common sense vehicle background checks and licensing and perhaps some sort of insurance system to repay those who have been injured. When will people realize that trucks are a menace to society and hopefully one day get banned?
We wouldn't ban all trucks though, just the ones that let you kill the largest number of people
They were on a boardwalk type thing watching fireworks due to Bastille Day I guess, truck was going full speed for about 2-3 miles... bodies flying everywhere. Then at some point, gunshots.. Maybe the police firing at the driver? Mayor has ordered everyone to stay inside though.
Sadly this is the face of the new world war. Civilians are targets.

Eventually, the west will be forced to reciprocate in kind.
Videos of the dead bodies up on twitter, all twisted and mangled going all the way up the street.
France has racist cops too!

Batshit crazy commies like Eggi still see no issues with mass non-White immigration. Ah well, leftists will sacrifice any number of lives, hymens, orbital sockets, jawbones to reach for their dream of a humanity that consists of nothing but a coffee colored mass of shitskins who all speak one language.