Baghdad is free!

I'm just pretty disgusted with people that hold ideology over seeing Iraqis getting their first taste of freedom in 25 years.

"wah it doesn't fit my world view - you guys killed people"

Fuck up. Even if the coalition forces inadvertedly killed 2 or 3 THOUSAND (which I doubt) civillians, it's probably less than Saddam's score for a year. Liberating 8 million people as well as the future generations is worth every drop of blood spilled.

Go ask THEM. I bet you'll get a similar answer.
ZugZug said:
Hell yeah, it was a war for oil. Oil is really damned important.

It was also a war against terrorism, a war against an evil dictator who had and was trying to get more weapons to kill us and our friends, and it was a war of liberation for the Iraqi people.

We won. Buck up and enjoy it.

You forgot WMD, broken sanctions, lackluster economy back home, and an American need to strike back at something tangible after 9/11.
MaD_ReBeL said:
you shut your fucking mouth. dont talk bad about alex, sure he is a mariners fan but he is a good guy.

:wave: Going to bring Tristan to see the M's beat the A's tomorrow. It'll be tough - we were an Orange County family once so we had a lot of love for the Angels.
Marweas said:
:wave: Going to bring Tristan to see the M's beat the A's tomorrow. It'll be tough - we were an Orange County family once so we had a lot of love for the Angels.
angel's starting out like ass again.....A's pitching is just nasty gl with that.
Geck0 said:
I'm just pretty disgusted with people that hold ideology over seeing Iraqis getting their first taste of freedom in 25 years.

"wah it doesn't fit my world view - you guys killed people"

Fuck up. Even if the coalition forces inadvertedly killed 2 or 3 THOUSAND (which I doubt) civillians, it's probably less than Saddam's score for a year. Liberating 8 million people as well as the future generations is worth every drop of blood spilled.

Go ask THEM. I bet you'll get a similar answer.

That's the point, I don't give a crap what foreigners think our country should do for them.
Marweas said:
That's the point, I don't give a crap what foreigners think our country should do for them.

Then perhaps the US should have handed you back to the KGB when you got out of the USSR?
Geck0 said:
Then perhaps the US should have handed you back to the KGB when you got out of the USSR?

We did something about the situation we were in, and didn't sit around waiting for the US to "liberate" us. We didn't require a penny of government support when we arrived and have become productive (contributing to the tax base) members of society.

If you can't see the difference between helping people who come to your country and invading another country to help people, then we probably cannot have an intelligent discussion on the matter.
Marweas said:
We did something about the situation we were in, and didn't sit around waiting for the US to "liberate" us. We didn't require a penny of government support when we arrived and have become productive (contributing to the tax base) members of society.

If you can't see the difference between helping people who come to your country and invading another country to help people, then we probably cannot have an intelligent discussion on the matter.

Until you elucidate on HOW you got out of the USSR, I can't really comment one way or another.

I maintain that you are a hypocrite, that much is indisputable. So in your view, paramedics cannot cut people out of car wrecks - they have to extricate themselves before they get medical treatment?

Does the hostage have to take out the bank robbers? The child have to kill the abusive dad?

Again, STFU and post some new screenshots of HW2 please. You suck at the arguing.
ZugZug said:
Hell yeah, it was a war for oil. Oil is really damned important.

It was also a war against terrorism, a war against an evil dictator who had and was trying to get more weapons to kill us and our friends, and it was a war of liberation for the Iraqi people.

We won. Buck up and enjoy it.

I am enjoying it. I loved the little kid following the Saddam head being dragged around, hitting it with his shoes.

Course it'll be short lived.
Once the now free Iraqis get hooked up to Al Jazeera they'll be back to hating the oppressor America
Marweas said:
If you can't see the difference between helping people who come to your country and invading another country to help people, then we probably cannot have an intelligent discussion on the matter.
agreed alex. but was the average russian in the same financial situation the average iraqi or afgani is in? Not to downplay your strife or anything but would you say you had it a bit better....hmm maybe a bit easier is the word im looking for than the average iraqi? Easier in terms of picking up and leaving.
Riiight. It's almost as if you're angry that the Iraqi people are happy with freedom.
Kizzak said:
If people are your concern, time for you to start a crusade for invading the Congo, yesterday there was some news that 1000 people were massacred in under 3 hours with guns and machetes. A question, did you support the UN/US' involvement in Rwanda? How about our involvement in Kosovo? The problem I have with people ever giving humanitarianism as a reason for entering a country militarily is because then they will turn around (or have previously in this case) opposed the exact same, or even worse thing. If you stay consistent, then your opinion is at least respectable, unlike a political whore who changes his opinion based on what party or political idealogy wants to complete the certain goal.

The relevant links:
I supported us going into Kosovo, even though I didn't like Clinton.
stone said:
Riiight. It's almost as if you're angry that the Iraqi people are happy with freedom.

I made 1 post. and it wasnt angry sounding.

Why dont you put a cork in it faggot
The USSR never had religilous fanatics flying planes into buildings, blowing up their embassies around the world, hijacking planes, etc. Iraq was a danger to the United States; not at this time, but they were developing WMDs and showed an inclination to use them. Are we supposed to wait until we have a chemical, biological or nuclear attack in this country?

The special forces found terrorist training camps in Northern Iraq; the coalition forces found stockpiles of atropine, chemical suits, and handbooks on how to wage chemical warfare.

The USSR distintegrated due to political and economic pressures; the people did not do a thing to facilitate its reform. Iraq is completely different: it was ruled by a sadistic despot who kidnapped, tortured and murdered his own people, invaded neighboring countries, used chemical weapons on his own people and neighboring countries (Iraq used chemical weapons in the Iran-Iraq war), and supported terrorist activities against this country.