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Veteran XV
After 2 and some odd years I have decided to reinstall the original Tribes and all I can say is The graphics are shabby by todays standard but the gameplay just blows my mind. The closest sense I have come to the feeling of T1 was running one of the old classic maps while playing Base++ or classic and sadly not too many servers keep those maps in their rotation that I have seen. I think the maps were right for T1 and with the new rise of classic, they are now right for T2.

Anyways....I'll be playing a little of both now. Now all I have to do is find out where I can get a skiscript.cs again.:p
Mitsubishi said:
get sarcastics upgraded textures and turn shadows on for everything
makes game purty
They do. They really do...

Though t2 really has a different feel. Put in the exact same physics and graphics from t1, set everything the same, and it will still feel different.

I think a large part of the difficulty with ppl accepting t2 is that difference, their subconsious refuses to accept it for some reason.

I think of them as 2 separate games. Not old and new, not good and bad. Like ut and cs, they share many concepts and understandings, but things are done differently, and gameplay is different.

Remember that the t2 playerbase is different than the t1 playerbase, and that after 4 yrs, t1 was becoming stale to many. It couldn't support the same players anymore. Some of us have continued, and some of the t2 playerbase has tried to see what started all this.

Do I play t1? Yes. Do I play t2? Yes. Will I kick your butt in either? Probably not, but I'll fuck up your base good. ;)
I know this has been said a million times, but one of the things that's missing for me is the community. T1 felt like I was a part of something unique. People REALLY cared about the ladders. People REALLY looked up to certain players. People talk about all the [IE]Natural cocksuckers, but back in the day he was doing stuff that NO-ONE had ever done before. It was wild...I mean I remember watching his demo's and my jaw just dropped. he was on another plane compared to what most of us were doing. And that was part of what was so could become this huge celebrity. I mean, most every one of you knows who Natural is. How many T2 players are there that have that same sort of fame?

I vividly remember when Western Alliance was #1 and IE played them. People were going nuts, there was wild speculation, and it was just this huge event in the was really a wonderful feeling. I just don't really get that feeling anymore. It's more about reading funny threads and just shootin the shit (and tribes is just some game that brought us all here).

The community is not dead, it just doesn't have the same character it used. But then I used to read the updates at to see how the beta was going. :) OGL boards were the shit, then planet-tribes, now tribalwar (I think those are right it's been a while). :)

I think you had to be part of it to really know what I'm talking about, but I can best describe it as this amazing excitement and feeling of being a part of something important. I don't get that feeling anymore and so regardless of what T2 is like as a game, THAT's why I think T2 failed whereas people here think of T1 as greatest game ever.
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