baby mistake


Veteran X
Disturbingly enough I've found out that this chic I banged in Thailand, on my trip there in spring 08, is preggerz. I met this chic online on myspace so we met up and I monster mashed that and what not. After the trip we haven't had contact since until last night. Are there laws that protect me from her trying to track me down? I mean come on man I dont even want anything to do with the baby anyway. Will this bitch be able to enforce some kind of third world child support programs? Fuck this is really irritating me!
i was going to make a post about a real baby mistake would be getting someone pregnant, but that was until I read the post
shes lying. you cant impregnate a chick if youre not a citizen of their country. its fucking science dumbass.
Disturbingly enough I've found out that this chic I banged in Thailand, on my trip there in spring 08, is preggerz. I met this chic online on myspace so we met up and I monster mashed that and what not. After the trip we haven't had contact since until last night. Are there laws that protect me from her trying to track me down? I mean come on man I dont even want anything to do with the baby anyway. Will this bitch be able to enforce some kind of third world child support programs? Fuck this is really irritating me!

If you're gonna troll, at least make the math add up..

Spring = March to May 08 (unless you want to go with the southern hemisphere definition of September to November)

Today = September 09

Minimum Months elapsed since Spring 08: 16 Months (or 10 Months for Southern Hemisphere Definition)

Typical Human Gestation Period: 9 months