ATTN: Retarded faggots that care way too much about politics

At the very least, I think Bush deserves the guillotuine.

Camp 2: You people feel that George "Hitler" Bush is a war criminal that has oil flowing through his veins. He is stupid, evil, and has Osama bin Laden in captivity, ready to release in October 2004--just before the Presidential elections. You feel that there is a vast conspiracy involving all branches of the federal government to subvert the Constitution, murder Arabic babies, and make Dick Cheney rich.

In other words, you reject Occam's Razor and feel that the government (or possibly the shadow government that you believe is really calling the shots) is able to maintain a veil of secrecy over a vast conspiracy involving thousands of people at all levels of the government and military.
OK, so where did I share a single "idea" with "camp 2"?

The fact of the matter is that you're ignorant if you think Bush has done a good job furthering and uniting our country. He has torn to bits any credibility and/or support we may have had overseas. He has fueled terrorism and anti-American sentiment (do you at least agree about this?). Regardless, he continues to run backwards and blindfolded into just about anything he does that is considered controversial, and I can not think of a single example in which he conceded defeat and sided with popular opinion to appease the country's majority. Maybe he's not running blind though, perhaps he has an agenda and a gameplan. But why would a president have a gameplan? :rolleyes:
why don't you just have your wife fuck some more guys and get knocked up, those child support payments could offset your tax problems

If only they gave tax breaks for having a slut of a wife, most of this country's problems would be over.
it's not a vast conspiracy. it's political opportunism and shitty foreign policy based on stupidity, ignorance, and greed.
I agree most participants of tw political threads fall in to these 2 categories, or are at least close enough to get shoved in them.

But in all fairness, when some idiot from either side spouts off something completely retarded(for example, stilgar's thread where he was scared bush would put a supreme court judge in a terrorist prison camp) Just beatiing some common sense in to him would send you to camp 1.

I for one maintain that I can tell people, especially tw members, that they lack the very basics of thought and reason, without actually being a card carrying member of 'hitler bush' or '<3bush<3'
Just because many of us choose to stay out of the mind numbingly stupid TW political threads does not mean that we don't care about our government.
Once again proving my point with your blind hatred and childish namecalling.
Actually, calling you ignorant is not "name-calling" at all, at least in a malicious sense. Everyone is ignorant about certain things, you just happen to be ignorant about politics. I'm one of the few people (it seems) who tends to like you on these boards, I just think you're out to lunch when it comes to this shit.
to be honest, I didn't really read it thoroughly, my replies have been more aimed toward animo since my initial post, not really the exact topic at hand.
Actually, calling you ignorant is not "name-calling" at all, at least in a malicious sense. Everyone is ignorant about certain things, you just happen to be ignorant about politics. I'm one of the few people (it seems) who tends to like you on these boards, I just think you're out to lunch when it comes to this shit.

To be honest, you are right.... I dont know shit about politics, but from where I sit it looks like I would rather not be a part of it. I just sit back and watch it..... and invest accordingly.

Said it was worthless.
Don't twist more than you have to do to survive, you nutjob, stalker, bomb riding, airplane loving, never seen a woman, face worthy of surgery, less than expected, valet of the disfigured face, lest I shove my yalkmuke down your throat, take up kudgel and smite thee kuramommy.
There, I have said it, and I am glad.
oh yeah well.... screw you stilgar you.... you.... uh....

damn i dont know anything about you

little help here?
edit: stilgar is a liberal hippie faggot--a talking liberal sound bite

im really suprised the first post isn't ofn