At what point in your life


Veteran XX
does being home on a friday night have no bearing on your "social status"

like back in the day if you're sitting at home on friday night you are a loser.

out of college?


depends where you live - i'd say. not much to do on a friday night in terre-haute, IN for example.

loads of things to do in a proper city, and i'm not talking about boozing, though the sauce is always a welcomed guest.

live music, sporting events, comedy clubs, theatrical performances - the world's your oyster really.
that's so true, though

but uh

not really your oyster if you ain't got no MONEY

i may be ugly but at least i ain't got no money
well I mean my town isnt some epicenter of goings on. but if you were 21 and at home on a friday night you were probably a big bag of gay.

now I'm 25 and I don't think any less of myself.
with u 100% atm

bbl playing kameo (lol at 360s first attempt at rendering massive amounts of trolls)

loooving shape shifting though
Hmmmmm' about this ANGIE:kiss: thing .........

Otherwiz I wooda fucks 2 hootchies by now

anna hunting an udder wan! :lol:

you into this shit?

I'm sitting alone on friday. My gf has work in the morning so I'm just going to smoke some bud and play some vidyagames.
I don't think it has any bearing at any age

As you get older, you get pickier about going out on the weekend nights. I'm not gonna go sit at a bar just to hang out with friends. It better be a special occasion, someone in from out of town, or I'm chasing ass.

Me and my friends do active shit though, getting drunk the night before usually fucks up the more fun stuff the next day.
fuck that, social status fucking mattered in highschool

Hey guys, I just hit puberty but I don't even care if hot chicks want to have the sex with me.

cuz I'm mature