at a restaurant...


Veteran XV
does your woman usually order a salad, or get something else (like something you would eat)

i'm testing out a theory and i need your input
She normally orders something normal, but rarely eats more than half of it unless it's something small and expensive like sushi and then it's all gone
:|:ArcaneGel said:
no gf but dates seem to eat normal food like me.
Same, my ladyfriend ordered the same thing as me, Unless it was a large steak, then she gets a smaller steak.... and always medium well to well done, whereas i get it rare to medium rare
Getting a steak anything above medium is a great way to guarantee you are getting the shittiest steak the restaurant has
There is a direct correlation between the food ordered by your date, and how into you she is. If she thinks she's going to fuck, salad is in. If you have no chance..."I'll have the Monte Cristo, a side of deep fried butter, and cake."
PeuswahBoy said:
There is a direct correlation between the food ordered by your date, and how into you she is. If she thinks she's going to fuck, salad is in. If you have no chance..."I'll have the Monte Cristo, a side of deep fried butter, and cake."
wait re-read, n.m. How does that even figure into anything?
fartiusstinkius said:
Do you mean it's worse to get it cooked "rarer" or "weller"?

Much worse to get it overcooked. They will give you the worst cuts of meat, the old ones, etc.
fartiusstinkius said:
Good. I already liked my meat rare and it's good to know that there's a reason for that other than just tastiness.
Wipe its ass and cut off its horns, is what i always say