ASUS Eee Pad Transformer

Refried you are mostly right. I had my tablet replace my work folio. It's nice to have all of the files for work on my cloud so that when I bounce to and from meetings and take notes it is all inputted to the tablet and then sync'd with my work computer.

Also, being in meetings it's nice to have direct access to reports that pertain to those departments or meetings for easy use.

It just comes down to being more functional for those types of things. And I enjoy that. It makes it well worth it to me.

Also, from a personal standpoint, I much prefer browsing on my couch or bed with the tablet over a netbook/laptop or my phone. I used to just use my phone. I think the tablet fills in nicely here as well.
Refried you are mostly right. I had my tablet replace my work folio. It's nice to have all of the files for work on my cloud so that when I bounce to and from meetings and take notes it is all inputted to the tablet and then sync'd with my work computer.

Also, being in meetings it's nice to have direct access to reports that pertain to those departments or meetings for easy use.

It just comes down to being more functional for those types of things. And I enjoy that. It makes it well worth it to me.

Also, from a personal standpoint, I much prefer browsing on my couch or bed with the tablet over a netbook/laptop or my phone. I used to just use my phone. I think the tablet fills in nicely here as well.

Pretty much sums it up. I picked up a Xoom (admittedly as just a impulse toy purchase) but find myself using it as a casual tool to browse the web, send emails, etc. It is a good form factor for just sitting on a couch and casually browsing things, or sending off quick emails. I was doing the same thing with my laptop on the couch, and now that I have a tablet I haven't turned the laptop on in a month.

It's great for meetings as well. I bring it to a lot of work functions and am able to pull up data from the office - easy way to show off docs/graphs live.
One thing I've notice I really like about it is that my job is very sporadic. I used to have a netbook that I'd have on, but keeping it on drained the battery before I was off and suspending it took longer than I would have liked. But with the tablet having a ridiculous standby time and being able to just unlock it in a second is pretty nice. It's a small small thing, but something that is actually pretty useful to me.

I was firmly in the "what role do tablets fill?" camp until the Transformer came along though. If I could find the keyboard dock and play with it I would think it would be even more useful to me.
my phone does literally everything a tablet can do + fits in my pocket and makes cellular calls

i don't get the tablet fad. other than wanting to own a new electronic toy, what is your justification for buying one of these (assuming you already own both a smartphone and a laptop)?

I find it better for entertainment than my android phone, bigger screen and all that, but it is more convenient and lighter weight than my laptop. It is sort of a midway step between the two, and I like it. But it is, ultimately, just a toy.
my phone does literally everything a tablet can do + fits in my pocket and makes cellular calls

i don't get the tablet fad. other than wanting to own a new electronic toy, what is your justification for buying one of these (assuming you already own both a smartphone and a laptop)?

For most I completely agree but there is a definite market for tablets and 2 situations I fit perfectly. They make all kinds of autism apps for the iPad and other tablets that since getting our iPad my son has started singing songs and talking some just by using these apps. (i got a otterbox cause he is 4 plus apple extended warranty covers any damage including dropped cracked screens which I had to confirm before buying it)

Another situation which was the seller for me was I have seen more and more musicians with iPad's attached to their music stands. I got to use one awhile back and just sliding your finger acrossed it to change pages and having the backlight was incredible!
that actually is the one singular use i would have for a tablet-sized touchscreen, which would be as a customizable touch DAW controller (a la jazzmutant lemur except a million times more versatile)

however i already use an old iphone and sometimes my captivate for this, so it's not a pressing enough need to justify the price for me
These guys seem to love it.

Posting from my eee pad right now....its pretty nice only got it a couple of hours ago

Dont have the keyboard yet though
Fuck you seriously this android OS is giving me apple like vibes. I want to close the window not minimize it
how does this compare to the ipad

in terms of fluidity of touch/movement

nerds can leave the apple itunes appstore android google mouthbreathing debate out please