ask me something about a poster x7er

how come when i shit sometimes i can wipe like 20 times and still come up with a little bit of shit on the tp

its pretty annoying
how come when i shit sometimes i can wipe like 20 times and still come up with a little bit of shit on the tp

its pretty annoying

has to do with your diet

i've found the better your eat (green) the most more convenient the wipe
has to do with your diet

i've found the better your eat (green) the most more convenient the wipe

if you pretreat your asshole before an expectant sticky shit with petroleum jelly or jerk off lotion your ass wont get as dirty and is real easy to clean up.

keep in mind, sticky poop - while annoying, is healthier than runny shit.
if you pretreat your asshole before an expectant sticky shit with petroleum jelly or jerk off lotion your ass wont get as dirty and is real easy to clean up.

keep in mind, sticky poop - while annoying, is healthier than runny shit.
good post

maybe next has a legit q
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Yes, it's really quite amazing and eye opening. I'm about 3/4 done with it now. I can tell you that it will be one of those staple type books which I'll read and reread probably a few dozen times or more in my life. Unless I die tomorrow, then just once.