Ask a Conservative

One of the main reasons pot is not legal is because with MANY people (not everyone, so if it doesn't apply to you individually then we don't need to hear about it,) marijuana is a "starter" drug. It leads to experimenting with other illeagal substances that we definantly do not need the public using.

That's a terrible reason to ban anything.
If Bush could have just done one thing for the people that we really needed him to do, I would have considered him to be an ok president. Even though there hasn't been an attack on us since 9/11, he failed to put security on the border, and the terrorists have had plans to infiltrate through the borders for a long time now, we'll get hit soon enough. Bush failed to regulate gas prices. He is a crook, like the next president who gets in, republican or democrat.

I've been pushing for Duncan Hunter in 2008, but the guy doesn't have a chance. Once you start talking about keeping the jobs here and supporting the average worker, you don't have a chance. The big businessmen/politicians in d.c. probably paid fox news to ignore Hunter. The man is a vet and has had a son in Iraq too, absolutely no coverage. How many politicians have a child that did 2 tours in Iraq? You'd think the conservatives would give this man some attention.

This country will continue to deteriorate, it won't get better. I guess the U.S. wasn't meant to be the greatest forever. Liberals will get their way, and this country will soon breed a lot more cowards and queers.
If Bush could have just done one thing for the people that we really needed him to do, I would have considered him to be an ok president. Even though there hasn't been an attack on us since 9/11, he failed to put security on the border, and the terrorists have had plans to infiltrate through the borders for a long time now, we'll get hit soon enough. Bush failed to regulate gas prices. He is a crook, like the next president who gets in, republican or democrat.

I've been pushing for Duncan Hunter in 2008, but the guy doesn't have a chance. Once you start talking about keeping the jobs here and supporting the average worker, you don't have a chance. The big businessmen/politicians in d.c. probably paid fox news to ignore Hunter. The man is a vet and has had a son in Iraq too, absolutely no coverage. How many politicians have a child that did 2 tours in Iraq? You'd think the conservatives would give this man some attention.

This country will continue to deteriorate, it won't get better. I guess the U.S. wasn't meant to be the greatest forever. Liberals will get their way, and this country will soon breed a lot more cowards and queers.

This is parody, right?
Three cheers for cowards and queers!!!!!

OP is no conservative, and it would seem that he padded his answer to the question regarding his IQ by about 50 points. Don't worry, War, there's nothing wrong at all with being slow normal at 92. You and Bush probably compare favorably in that area.
i know i was looking forward to trying to get him to start doubting the existence of gravity but now i'll have to wait for another creationist :(