
I banned arsin just a few months ago on request of Obibun but apparently now I just love the guy and am avoiding outing him. All outcomes of this situation are funny to me, I'm just telling you the one that's true. arsin is weird and probably autistic but considerably older than precise, obibun is delusional and full of nerd rage, precise is pretty fucking weird too but the guy isn't involved here anymore. who gives a shit? if it makes you feel better, keep calling arsin precise but I don't think it will get you anywhere.
I don't know who is right, but that sure is a whole lot of coincidence, for there to be no connection. Maybe not the same person, but obviously friends at least.

And the whole thing with Swing, obviously precise has taken a shot at this before.
i don't know what you mean when you say he stole precise's identity because i never followed this bullshit drama, but I kind of think arsin is crazy enough to do such a thing ... although honestly I don't think he was trying to steal precise's identity, that just makes no sense. but who knows, maybe the guy is fucking much more crazy than I could ever imagine.
Ban Obi and he will kill him self.

150+ posts in one thread? He sure seems like he need's this place to function :lol: How sad.
some people take this place way to seriously.

either that or i don't take it seriously enough, and should consider leaving before something awful happens to me
[Official] I call for the immediate ban of Kurayami, in violation of TW Rules.

Now some of you may know that Kurayami is a faggot.

I've never had a problem with it because even retards and faggots should be allowed here, they keep the place interesting.


Back in a thread a while back I posted a screencap of my desktop which unfortunately included the email of a female (omgnoes) in an msn convo.

Now say what you will, but we all know that fucking with a Tribalwar forumer in real life is strictly disallowed on the forum unless he requests the help or intervention, in which case whatever happens is his own fault.

The image and offending email were taken down, but apparently Kurayami (who has always hated me for fuck knows why) took it upon himself to be a retard as usual.

here's some excerpts of the convo:

Kura says:
It is okay to converse with people you do not know over the internet. Just do not give out private information, like that you'll be heading back to Kingston Sunday.

Kura says:
Do you mind if I commence with the sexual harassment he requested?

Now this girl is cool and she just kind of realizes that the internet is full of retards and trusts me when I say it was a simple mistake.. so luckily nothing has come of this.

Regardless, sexual harassment? This could have been serious if the girl wasn't a level headed person. You don't fuck with TW forumers like that irl. Especially when they really haven't done anything heinous. Sexual harassment isn't a term you just throw around.

In any case, I know that it's against the rules and I'm calling for Kurayami to recieve a ban as a result. He overstepped the boundaries that we know exist.. and could probably use a break from the forum as well.


-I posted a screencap in a thread which mistakenly included a girl's email in an msn convo
-requested politely that no one be a retard with it
-admin takes it down
-kurayami takes it upon himself to start telling her I was inducing sexual harassment and other shit
-if this girl wasn't cool she might have flipped and this could have become serious
-it's against TW rules.
-the moron could use a break anyway

Yeah, it's circumstantial, but it's also plainly obvious.

I don't think anyone here is even able to imitate Kurayami in such a fashion.

Plus, like ptavv said, he's done real shit before that could be harmful. This isn't the first time.

I imagine he created it for the sole purpose of fucking with her. I can't see someone else creating 'kurayamitw' to do it - they would have gone with some anonymous screen name.

There's proof. It's not perfect, but it's there.

And I'm sorry you don't like me. That's fine. But I wouldn't expect you to try to pull shit like this, and I wouldn't do the same to you, no matter how much you called me a complete retard.

This kind of shit brings TW down, it's unacceptable.

There's tons of proof. You're an asshole and you've posted personal info before. You're one of the few people crafty enough to pull this kind of bullshit off, especially with an email like

I would gladly face off against you in a ban poll.
