[Army] FML


Meat Gazer
I've been stuck in the field for the last three weeks. Tomorrow, I will go home for a few hours and copulate with my wife. Then, I will come back to the field for three more days. FML.

Also, if you like sex, stay out of the Army.
lol, Soldiers that cry about being in the field. Soldiers that cry about being able to use the INTERNET in the field.
i'll bet you 5 dollars your wife's already cheated on you

and it's pretty much guaranteed she will when you deploy
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Normally I wouldn't, but this is a bs exercise, and has been from the get-go. They don't even have a standing exit strategy for this to date, so we're just sort of waiting for word to come down as to wtf we're supposed to do. Morale ain't so high right now. It was supposed to be 2ish weeks, but it's been 3 so far.

Also, it would be hard for her to cheat when she works all day and we webcam all night.
(3:00:39 AM) Nick: jdizzle presents me with a moral quandary
(3:00:47 AM) Nick: i might actually want him to die when he deploys
Maybe I shouldn't deploy. I should just object on the grounds that Obama isn't really the President.

Kidding, obviously. I don't mind deploying, but all this retarded bullshit leading up to it is only motivating me to get my O3, get out and go to law school.
Genius, if this were NTC, how the fuck would I be able to go home and come back? We don't go to cali for another month.

how the fuck would I know where the fuck you live you giant cock having hot wife fucking son of a bitch. Have fun at NTC don't cry too much.
I won't mind NTC because we have a set time and date of what we're doing and when. I know when we get there and when we leave, so I just "embrace the suck" and deal with it. It's the not being able to count-down the shitty days here that I don't like. Sim-rounds are fun though.