[Arizona] Immigration

Or back across the Atlantic.

Vanster you know damn well, that "white" food
is really not that "tasty"

Kathleen used to feed her kids "Gruel", Oatmeal boiled with only salt!
................. me, I added milk,sugar and cinnimon.
After that they wouldn't eat her oatmeal

though she was the best fuck I ever had!
unlike tacos de ojos or menudo which are the tastiest thing imaginable

see, i can pick shitty dishes and use them to generalize a people's cuisine, too
go figure the "totally unbiased and ever vigilant police officer" who only wants to "uphold the law properly" doesn't like a law targetting illegal hispanic immigrants

and what is this brave officer's name, who only looks to uphold the law and has no bias whatsoever?

Martin H. Escobar
People with hispanic names can't be trusted to be unbiased!

Wait, what do you mean, I'm racist?? There's no racism here!

Isn't it supposed to be your position that legal, hispanic American citizens are for this bill as well? You realize that if this guy's a police officer, it probably means that he's an American citizen, right? And that about 30% of the full American citizens of Arizona have those funny names that you seem to think betray their real loyalty?
The training that they give to officers about how to enforce/use this law is immaterial if it allows them to violate my civil rights. Whether they actually do it or not doesn't matter in the least.

Translation: Every argument I've made has been thoroughly dismantled but I still love this law and don't think we should let very many immigrants into this country so I'm fine with my civil rights being eroded as long as they deport some fuckin wetbacks. Yee haw!

Poop eater.
FOXNews.com - Texas Gov: Arizona Immigration Law 'Not Right' for Texas

Oops, even Rick Perry doesn't like it.

<ezlpo>BUT DID HE EVEN READ TEH LAW?!?!?!</ezlpo>

PS. I love how ezlpo cries for pages about how nobody actually reads the law, then when people call him out on the actual law himself, he says it doesn't matter because only the lawyers can do something. Classic case of running away.

Rick Perry can read the bill and still not like it.

Edit: And for running away? HA! Troll much?

There will be guidelines for the LOEs to follow and the lawyers will figure out what those are. They will do so with the Constitution and case law being on the forefront of their decisions.

I would imagine the guidelines would include to not ask victims or those that are reporting a crime to be asked for their identification unless there is suspicion that person has committed a crime as well (other than maybe being an illegal immigrant). What I am saying that those arguments are moot because how the law is ENFORCED will be determined later. We could argue all day about XYZ only to find we are all wrong.

Seriously though, did you read the fucking bill? Did you read where race is NOT to be a factor in determining if someone might be in the state illegally?

Gee, Rick Perry is up for election later this year. I wonder if that had any influence on his decision to not support this bill.
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Gee, Rick Perry is up for election later this year. I wonder if that had any influence on his decision to not support this bill.

The blowback on this is going to be wild, it's only to his credit that he is running away from it. I wouldn't think he had the analytical abilities to see it, if you had asked me.

Primary his ass, the liberal pussy! LOL! It's completely retarded, it's mindlessly divisive.

Dems are going to hammer the GOP on this, how is that not obvious?
The blowback on this is going to be wild, it's only to his credit that he is running away from it. I wouldn't think he had the analytical abilities to see it, if you had asked me.

Primary his ass, the liberal pussy! LOL! It's completely retarded, it's mindlessly divisive.

Dems are going to hammer the GOP on this, how is that not obvious?

How can the Dems hammer the Awesomes for wanting to uphold the federal law.

Won't that makes the Dems look soft on crime?

It will.

People with hispanic names can't be trusted to be unbiased!

Wait, what do you mean, I'm racist?? There's no racism here!

Isn't it supposed to be your position that legal, hispanic American citizens are for this bill as well? You realize that if this guy's a police officer, it probably means that he's an American citizen, right? And that about 30% of the full American citizens of Arizona have those funny names that you seem to think betray their real loyalty?

is this a real post or a troll

just wondering
I am pretty sure that they will spin it differently than you wish they would.

Their spin will result in the majority of those that support it being called racists. People that are not racists or don't think they are racists don't generally like being called racists.

Coming out against this bill is being soft on crime and racist. The dems cannot use this to their advantage even though they will try.
me mammi ( who is uneducated)
hates the "Mojado's"

Me brudder (TehFool's favorite uncle,aka uncle Joe) hates "mojado's" too
he was "socially promoted" thru High School.

I judge each person individually!
It really is a mess.

There's lots of money to be made on this issue....
the money is just circulated differently!

the politicians use it (pro and con) to further their careers.

and the real people at fault are the U.S. voting citizenry.....
They don't use the power of the vote to elect the representatives and senators that will effectively fix this issue.
unlike tacos de ojos or menudo which are the tastiest thing imaginable

tacos de ojos?.....skuishy....yucko
aiiiii! por Dios no!

Menudo?:cool: doesn't taste that bad....plenty of spices
gives you lotsa energy, great fer hangovers

Por favor Mantua...por favor....:hurry:
Did you guise read how a majority of the likely latino voters support this bill?

I guess they are RACISTS too.


Look elspo...
even me
on this issue it is or it isn't!

I too would have to vote "yes"

Can't have omelate's without breaking eggs.:cry:
on "Ricky".......he don't wanna come outa dee closet!

The blowback on this is going to be wild, it's only to his credit that he is running away from it. I wouldn't think he had the analytical abilities to see it, if you had asked me.

Primary his ass, the liberal pussy! LOL! It's completely retarded, it's mindlessly divisive.

Dems are going to hammer the GOP on this, how is that not obvious?

Then he's weally not dumb

It's like answering the question....
Do you want me to stick it in you or do you wanna me to pull it out?
either way you're in a fucked up spot!

No no no..he doan wanna touch it?

He'll prob say,.... I'll support what the American people decide!
this generation's...."Tricky Dicky":twak:
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