[Arizona] Immigration

People in this thread that call others "racist" and believe immigration reform is about race are proving themselves to be racist by thinking that only people of a certain color immigrate illegally to the US.

Illegal Asian immigration is through Canada.
But no one bitches about it.
The fascination with Hispanic immigration is similar to the shit Chinese went through in the 19th century, or the Irish, or Germans...all were "racially" based.
Illegal Asian immigration is through Canada.
But no one bitches about it.
The fascination with Hispanic immigration is similar to the shit Chinese went through in the 19th century, or the Irish, or Germans...all were "racially" based.
I'm telling you, they were trying to subvert America and hand it over to the Pope! Catholicism is against the American way!
You'd be surprised at how many of my liberal leaning friends and neighbors agree with this bill. Some of them have reservations about it, but most agree with it. The media is trying like hell to label anyone who supports it, "right wing" when clearly, at least to me, many democrats support it too.
Liberals despise legal immigrants
Yes, that's exactly why they want there to be more of them.
I think you're confusing legal and illegal again.

Either that, or you are attempting to sh*t on those people who legally emigrated here by following the rule of law and due process.

Either way, I just want you all to know that some of my closest friends are blonde-haired & blue-eyed.
I guess I could be lumped in with them. But we are "on the same team" for different reasons.

I just don't support illegal immigration :shrug:

How can you, its cheating the system, usually involves stealing some poor guy's social security number and identity theft, its dangerous as hell, the guys smuggling people in usually pay right back into drug cartel's pockets..

It's also cutting in line. Yes, people wait years, and every illegal immigrant is spitting in the face of any law-abiding immigrant.

If your first act in this country is to break a law, I DONT WANT YOU HERE. They talk at rallies about the "american dream" but don't even respect this country enough to follow our laws. So hypocritical.
You'd be surprised at how many of my liberal leaning friends and neighbors agree with this bill. Some of them have reservations about it, but most agree with it. The media is trying like hell to label anyone who supports it, "right wing" when clearly, at least to me, many democrats support it too.

Wow - democrats that can think for themselves?
When will republicans follow suit?
I just don't support illegal immigration :shrug:

Well there we are in a agreement for once. I don't support illegal immigration either, and I want people to stop supporting illegal immigration also.

If you actually read the article in the American Spectator, you would know that they don't support illegal immigration either.

We believe that the current laws are expensive and bad, and we want them changed. We do not support illegal immigration, we support legal immigration, and we want to change the immigration laws, because it will save money.

I'm sorry you can't understand this, but I'm not surprised you can't either.
Disagreeing wih current immigration policies and tacitly accepting the illegal immigration that is their direct result is very different than "supporting illegal immigration".

To be clear I advocate that immigration policy change so that people may immigrate here legally. Since reform of a reasonable nature seems to be politically impossible I am accepting of illegal immigration and do not think enforcement is the answer since the illegal immigrants are the victims of a broken system and a xenophobic and racist immigration policy.

As an aside, the reason that this is being pitched as a "right wing" creation is that it was written and crammed through the state legislature solely by Republicans and signed by our mentally retarded governor (when Napolitano was our gov she vetoed similar bills twice).
when the housing market went to shit a significant number of illegal immigrants left the area i live in.

if they just severely punsihed people for hiring them, and enforced that, they'd all go back home and if they really wanted to come back they'd do it the legal way.
I'm sorry you can't understand this, but I'm not surprised you can't either.

ptavv said he supports illegal immigration outright because of current laws.

So let me get this straight though - you don't support illegal immigration.. but you don't exactly support enforcing those laws to stop it, do you?
ptavv said:
Disagreeing wih current immigration policies and tacitly accepting the illegal immigration that is their direct result is very different than "supporting illegal immigration".

That's fine. I support immigration reform that allows them to be here legally.

In lieu of that I support them being here illegally.
