Are you better off today than you were 1 year ago

graduated from school, now I'm in grad school

got a new gf living with me instead of being single

in FAR better physical shape

Some obvious things I'm better off for, some not so much.
Yes, because I am divirced from a woman that we both "fell out of love". Life was miserable, we have kids, and are better friends now than before.
Moved in witha shitty GF that cost me a lot of money, and holding down an apartment I couldn't afford and driving myself further into debt.

But now I'm in a hella cheap place that's not too bad, my debt is coming down and I have some money saved for my own business idea so I'd say I'm doing better.
Job-yes, money-big yes, family-yes, son's grades and maturity-huge yes but the hormones are hitting him and we're locking horns like pitbulls in a cage fight at times.
Last year i was in my fifth year in a small 2 bedroom apartment, and i wasn't spending any money (lived off wife's income and put about 90% of my income away).
This year, was able to see the pay off of all that by buying a big house, new car and truck, new furniture throughout the house, and I don't owe a single dime for any of it.
Started a new job this year as well, making a lot more money andit's been great working for this company. Wife started a new job too (Finally left the hospital after 7 years to work for a private practice)
Kids are doing great, my marriage is better and better each year that passes, and overall, I'd give my life a 10. Well, a 9.5 because i still come here.
I graduated college, which sucks since college was fun. But I got a sweet job so thats cool. It adds up to beinga bout the same. Paychecks that aren't $500 are pretty sweet.