Are any Republicans/Conservatives planning to leave the country once Obama wins?

I don't plan on leaving. If Obama gets his way with taxes I will have to adjust my W-4 exemptions to cover my 50% marginal tax increase for next year.

My brother-in-law owns 2 small businesses. He will probably have to let 2 employees go next year to cover his tax increases and employee expenses (mandated 7 paid sick days, mandated health care or "pay into the national pool" penalty, etc.).

I would like to predict that the Bush tax cuts will not be allowed to sunset on their current timeline instead the Democrats will overturn them early on next year.
Anyone who says they're going to leave the country because the fucking douche bag they wanted to be president didn't win is a fucking faggot.
On the local side my property taxes will go up a fuckton to pay for the $2 billion in new spending approved by Columbus, OH. Ohio has approved putting the payday lenders out of business, further restricted what people can do with property that has water on it, made it more difficult as an individual to put things on the ballot, and last but not least go $400 million further in debt. GG.
halliburton already partially relocated its headquarters.

even if they hadn't why would we want a profitable company such as them to leave? do we not like jobs? if congress puts pressure on them they will bail 100% to Dubai instead of splitting operations between there and the US.