archaic words/phrases…

I guess you don't follow the news very much. (Or, at least, you didn't 11 years ago.) Williams Aide Resigns in Language Dispute

only black people could be so niggerly

why is it they can say cracker and white bread and nobody gives a damn? Another group of people i wouldnt mind being gassed wtih zyklon B.

and apparently it did reveal how stupid the black community is...

Public response

The Howard incident led to a national debate in the U.S., in the context of racial sensitivity and political correctness, on whether use of niggardly should be avoided. Some observers noted however that the "national debate" was made up almost entirely of commentators defending use of the word. As James Poniewozik wrote in Salon, the controversy was "an issue that opinion-makers right, left and center could universally agree on." He wrote that "the defenders of the dictionary" were "legion, and still queued up six abreast."[3] Julian Bond, then chairman of the NAACP, deplored the offense that had been taken at Howard's use of the word. "You hate to think you have to censor your language to meet other people's lack of understanding", he said. "David Howard should not have quit. Mayor Williams should bring him back — and order dictionaries issued to all staff who need them."[4]

Bond also said, "Seems to me the mayor has been niggardly in his judgment on the issue" and as a nation we have a "hair-trigger sensibility" on race that can be tripped by both real and false grievances.

tho in this one we have a college student so stupid that i wouldnt mind having her whipped.

University of Wisconsin incident

Shortly after the Washington incident, another controversy erupted over the use of the word at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. At a February meeting of the Faculty Senate, a junior English major and vice chairwoman of the Black Student Union told the group how a professor teaching Chaucer had used the word niggardly. The student later said she was unaware of the related Washington, D.C. controversy that came to light just the week before. She said the professor continued to use the word even after she told him that she was offended. "I was in tears, shaking," she told the faculty. "It's not up to the rest of the class to decide whether my feelings are valid."[6]

The student's plea, offered as evidence in support of the school's speech code, instead struck an unintended chord helping to destroy it. "Many 'abolitionists', as they now were called, believe that [the student's] speech, widely reported, was the turning point," according to an article in Reason magazine. An editorial in the Wisconsin State Journal addressed the student who complained, saying: "Thank you [...] for clarifying precisely why the UW–Madison does not need an academic speech code. [...] Speech codes have a chilling effect on academic freedom and they reinforce defensiveness among students who ought to be more open to learning."[6]
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This insult and your quote are opposed. You may want to work on your reading comprehension and ability to substantiate an argument.


the fact the NAACP regarded the matter and poked fun at it only shows that the organization isnt composed of retards.

The fact that this word was used in the setting of the black community shows their overall ignorance.

Do you doubt that this word would not cause a beating or shooting in Compton? If we were were to pick 10 black communities at random do you really think this word could be used without an assbeating?

Do you really truly think that could be done?

Because I think you are a total dipshit and lack even the basic ability to engage in an argument. Maybe your own lack of reading comprehension has caused you to fail in seeing the overall stupidity and cancerous nature of the black community and its failure inducing culture. Puzzling all those hard letters difficult huh?

Or maybe you are from the black community and they neutered your mind like every other born failure who plops out of their mud stained vaginas.
When things are arranged neatly in a uniform row, I'll describe it as nice. I read about the archaic definition of nice a few years ago, and decided I liked it.
When a teacher back in grade six asked me to answer a specific question, I told him "Im stumped". Not only did the teacher make fun of me, but so did the rest of the class

sad memories :(
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When a teacher back in grade six asked me to answer a specific question, I told him "Im stumped". Not only did the teacher make fun of me, but so did the rest of the class

sad memories :(

i dont get it...there's nothing wrong with the way you used stump there...maybe your class was full of retards?
I like laconic, I think I'll start using it.
Now I'm really confused because I can't decide what you're trying to argue. The NAACP is an intelligent organization led by intelligent people, one of which offered a slightly sarcastic solution to the controversy back then; or black people are stupid?
thine yonder wench wight doth desireth to insetten me pole in her wit

yo ho bitch ova der finna git me to skullfuck her
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I like laconic, I think I'll start using it.

Now I'm really confused because I can't decide what you're trying to argue. The NAACP is an intelligent organization led by intelligent people, one of which offered a slightly sarcastic solution to the controversy back then; or black people are stupid?

I dont think black people have to be stupid in that when they are born they are the same as any child.

however i think their degenerate culture celebrating crime and not having an education is poisonous beyond what im capable of putting into words. American Black Culture is a disgrace for the whole of humanity and should be attacked with absolutely no restraint. Black culture and its forms of art as well as endearments are a disease upon the earth.

so im willing to give the NAACP the benefit of the doubt as well as other shrewd blacks who can see the cancerous nature of their culture or at least ignore it.