AQ mats


Veteran XV
Anyone else see this floating around?
60,000 Heavy Leather
60,000 Rugged Leather
80,000 Thick Leather
96,000 Peacebloom
19,000 Firebloom
26,000 Purple Lotus
90,000 Copper Bars
18,000 Mithril Bars
22,000 Tin Bars
400,000 Runecloth Bandages
250,000 Mageweave Bandages
250,000 Wool Bandages
17,000 Spotted yellowtail
10,000 Baked Salmon
10,000 Lean Wolf Steak

also, wtf are the scepters for? anyone know?
Low pop servers are screwed
The new instances are not open until the alliance and horde donate enough mats.

Of course, there is much profit to be made for those of us who like money more than instances. My only worry is that the gates will open TOO soon. But since the alliance AND horde need to do it (I think) it might be resonable to sell at a Steamwheel AH as well.
that list is just for horde - alliance has an equally large one (except they need 33,000 stranglekelp)

as far as anyone knows it wont open until both the alliance and horde lists are complete.
Hmm, then we need to blackmail Malganis horde. "Sure, we'll turn those mats in. You just need to lose every battleground over the next 3 weeks and send us each an epic."
An inguild GM said that it slowly will fill up even if nobody turns anything in, but that it would take upwards of 3 months+ to open. With people turning things in and putting forth an effort the gates could be open in 2-3 weeks.