Apocalypse is coming


Veteran X
i keep having dreams about the end of the world...its usually a nuclear attack that wipes out most of humanity and i am forced to fend for myself and try to go on with a group of survivors

so just to let you know..the world is about to end
AutoMiss said:
i keep having dreams about the end of the world...its usually a nuclear attack that wipes out most of humanity and i am forced to fend for myself and try to go on with a group of survivors

so just to let you know..the world is about to end

I had those dreams in the 80's and it never came true. I call BS.

Maniacal said:
hes doing that "ooohh yeaaahhh snap into a slim jim!!^%$&!*(@!!@!," thing.


and this is a serious prophecy....i suggest you get your souls in line and ready for judgement
your dreams are just your testosterone talking to you, telling you in an explosive way it wants to be unleashed more on the world...

wear a condom, mmmmmkay?
