AOL's new method of keeping customers...


Veteran XV
"AOL customer Vincent Ferrari tried to cancel his account, but a phone rep wouldn't let him do it. What he got when he tried to cancel his account was a lot of frustration. Now that's customer support!"

AOL sent him an apology and said the customer service rep was no longer with the company.

I like how AOL canned the employee who was probably doing exactly what they asked him to do.

But hey, at least now AOL is focusing on customer retention rather than just signing up new customers faster than they can quit.
yeah they did this to me all the time back in the day. i didnt go crying to the media about it
RJ_ said:
I like how AOL canned the employee who was probably doing exactly what they asked him to do.

But hey, at least now AOL is focusing on customer retention rather than just signing up new customers faster than they can quit.

Of course, since it went to newspapers and they had to do a public apology.
i got almost 2 full years of free aol back in the day.

Every time i would call in to cancel before the new free time was up they would ask me why and i would tell them i have tried for the last two years and have been using comcast exclusivly for the past 6 months but if they really want to give me another 3 months to try the service rather than just cancel it i would call them back in 3. Finally i got a guy who laughed when I told him and he cancled it for me.

I still get calls every once in a while to come back.