Anyone play Warhammer 40k(tabletop)?

I am looking to start playing this with my friend and I am not sure about what army to start with. Could anyone give me some advice as to what I should start out with and some general information on it. I have already bought the rulebook and a paint set. Just need info on what army to use. Thanks. :)
Thanks. It's ok if you don't have any advice. I have some friends that play it but I wanted to see if any of the good folks at TW had any.
Everyone and their mother plays space marines. Chaos are right behind.

Eldar are pretty fruity; Dark Eldar are pure homosexuality in a 25mm package (or whatever size GW minis are).

At any rate, the real question you should be asking is: do I really want to blow $300+ on this overpriced scam?
I've played one real serious army; a 4000 point Imperial Guard; and a few semi-serious armies.

With the new rules coming out, its a great time to join up.

Imperial Guard are always a nice choice, tons of options, easy to customize, but are frusterating when you get into battle.

Space Marines can be fun (again with personalization factor)

Tau are sweet, Necrons = Gay (cheese dick bullshit), Elder/Dark Elder are pretty much bullshit also, but can be fun to play.

Choas are cool customizable, Orc are really fun to paint/customize and play with.

In the end go for Space Marines if you want to just learn how to play because they are the most basic for strategy; the Tau if you want a challenge, and the Orcs if you're looking to have a lot of fun.

WH40K TT is a great game, have fun :bigthumb:
Scam is a fucking understatement. 1000% markup, why not!!

The only reason GW even exists as a company is because they extort the fact that kids can force their parents hand, getting them the miniatures they want. Generally, few people in their right mind would spend the ridiculous amount needed to buy an army. And they're not even fucking metal anymore! Most of the figures are now plastic, driving down their costs and upping the profit.

Then there are plenty of logistics problems, along weith the fact that the game just fucking SUCKS. Its needlessly simple, lacking anything resembling tactics. The "strategy" in the game solely consists of troop choice (+ equipment) and placement, that's it. That coupled with the fact that they use SIX SIDED DICE makes for a nice retard-simple experience.

Six sided dice...what the blue fuck.

Are they gorgeous miniatures? Sure. Is a single one of them worth the price tag? Fuck no, Maybe half.
^ Another case of a bitter, shitty player.

Same with the people that say Tribes "sucks" while they "q0wn" people in counterstrike :lol:
You setup your troops and run them at each other. WOW, STRATEGY!

Ive watched plenty of games at the GW near where i work, its the same shit every single time.

edit: apparently the fantasy version has much more tactics, but all the nerds at the GW shop local to me only play 40k, so i wouldnt know.
People are too fuckign lazy to paint a good Tyranid/Chaos army, but when you see a really well done one, you often will feel the need to vomit with rage due to your lack of godly painting skills(myself included.) Eldar are always fun to play, but I would start with SM until you get the hang of it.
If you are going to build your own army, it is very easy to get diistracted by the actual painting, as you can easily make a model look like complete crap and want to start over in the middle of a project. Get an airbrush if you can, they will offer the best coat (as undercoat as well) and will usually not cover up any physical detail on the model due to the extremely thin nature of airbrush coats.
Yep, I play. Careful though.. there have been 40k discussions around these parts before, and they always led up to namecalling.

Anyhow... first of all, be prepared to spend alot of money, even for a smallish army (like around 500 to 1000 points) - I currently have around $200 in my 1250 point Space Marine army, not including rulebooks or codexes.

Now, onto the armies... I'll list what I know.

Space Marines and variants thereof (Dark Angels, Space Wolves, etc): Kind of the "Jack of all trades" army.. they're good at nearly everything, but not excellent at any one thing. They are very flexible, and can fit nearly any play style. Usual model count for a 1000 point army is around 30 to 40

Chaos Space Marines: Pretty much the same as normal marines, but tend to be tougher and have stronger units, but armies tend to be smaller in numbers than normal marines (who already have a few number to begin with). 1000pt model count, again around the 30 range.

Imperial Guard: Lots of weak infantry and usually a heavy reliance on armor and heavy weapons. Can be pretty flexible. 1000pt model count usually no fewer than 50 models, can go up to 100+ if you go really infantry heavy.

Daemonhunters and witchhunters: two of the available Inquisition armies (Xenoshunters isn't out yet), and are fairly similar to space marines... but they can be more specialized... daemonhunters are, as you may have guessed, great at taking out daemons and other large creatures. Witchhunters make heavy use of the Sisters of Battle, or basically fighting nuns :)

Necrons: Kind of the "undead" race of 40k... though they're mostly machines. Hard to explain :p Pretty cool miniature range, and easy to paint with some simple metallic paints. They have a special rule, that if your army is reduced to 25% of it's original strength, you automatically lose, as your army "phases out" and disappears, but they also have a rule that lets dead units get back up, or "We'll be back" :) This usually keeps you on your toes. Couldn't really say what a general model count is for a 1000pt army, but I'm guessing around 25 or 30.

Tyranids: The BUGS! Very much like the Zerg from starcraft (noticing a trend here? Space Marines, Bugs, and below a race similar to the protoss? Yeah, Blizzard had heavy inspiration from 40k). This is what many people call a Horde army... strength in numbers, with a few stronger units to cause the real damage. Like the Imperial Guard, model counts can be as few as 40, but can go gup to 100+. They're codex allows you to "mutate" the creatures, to customize your army. Quite fun, but can be tedious with all of the models. Tyranids rely heavily on close combat, and can move faster than any other army.

Orks: Good ol' Orks! Another Horde army, but Orks can be somewhat specialized.. they can be good at either close combat or ranged fighting. Their saving throws suck though, so don't be surprised if you lose alot. Orks are commonly considered the token humor race... they're great at losing, but they have TONS of personality, and can be loads of fun to paint.

Eldar: The elves of 40k.. I don't know tons about them, but I do know that they have a preference for psykers (magic casters) and mostly mid-ranged fighting. Their vehicles are all very strong, even their basic transports. model count can be as few as 25, but can go up to 50+.

Dark Eldar: Dark Elves.. don't know alot about them, they're not played alot where I live... I believe they're faster than normal eldar, and have more ranged weaponry, less reliance on psykers.

The Tau: The newest addition to the 40k world.. many players dislike them, as they think they are too "anime". They have lots of mecha, have bright colors, and have an asian style culture. They are almost entirely a long range fighting army, and SUCK at close combat, unless they take Kroot mercs, who have crappy saves. Tau can kick major butt, but can also suck entirely.

I think that covers pretty much everything... I personally play Space Marines, or more specifically, Dark Angels. Space Marines are a great beginner army, as they are good at all things, and through the use of tactics, can excel in many of those areas. And, superhuman guardians of mankind just kick ass :)

I would suggest you read through my overview, take a visit to the GW website and look around, maybe look at some of the miniatures and see what you think looks cool... that's how I began. Any other Qs, feel free to PM me or post here..
Do any of your friends play Warmachine, or would they be willing to?

I played all the GW games for years. Spent more money on it than I want to think about. Warmachine is cool because you can have a good battle with about $50 worth of minis. The game is more fun too since your troops actually live past the first turn and there is a good bit of strategy to it.

Anyway if you want to play 40k, I would say start with marines. Yeah everyone plays them, but there's a reason. They're damn tough. The troops aren't specialized like most armies, so your mistakes won't hurt so bad. Many of 40k's troops have to be used exactly one way to work.

Marines also would be one of the smallest investments for money and time to start. If you go imperial guard you're gonna buy and paint like 200 minis.

See if your friends will let you play their armies a few times to try them out?
[OO]Machine said:
You setup your troops and run them at each other. WOW, STRATEGY!

Ive watched plenty of games at the GW near where i work, its the same shit every single time.

edit: apparently the fantasy version has much more tactics, but all the nerds at the GW shop local to me only play 40k, so i wouldnt know.

Please... the "40k has no strategy!!!1" argument is void, simply because it DEPENDS ON THE PERSON PLAYING. If you have some 10 year old playing it, then yeah, you probably won't see many tactics. When I play, there are tons of tactics, and while they may be considered simple by some, they are still tactics. The tactical choices presented during the game are plentiful, especially when you have two opposite style armies facing eachother.

Fantasy is larger. It doesn't strike my fancy, because I prefer 40k's style of moving individual models (while staying in coherency of course) instead of moving "movement trays", and the fact that I prefer lots of firepower over swords :)
dude just buy a bag of plastic army guys for $2 and use them with the Warhammer rule book. paying $40 for 5 little plastic guys is a scam.
Viggy said:
Everyone and their mother plays space marines. Chaos are right behind.

Eldar are pretty fruity; Dark Eldar are pure homosexuality in a 25mm package (or whatever size GW minis are).

At any rate, the real question you should be asking is: do I really want to blow $300+ on this overpriced scam?

I played Necromunda, same universe except small gang fights of 8 - 12 models total. Much much cheaper and more fun. Easier to personalize models that are like that than trying to paint entire squads.

I still keep my stuff just in case I can find others to play with.
BeardedWarMammoth has chaos stuff he wants to sell: see Bloodthurster, tanks, lots of units for pretty cheap. He spent like 2 grand on this stuff, be sure to make fun of him for it like ElWapo, Raven and myself have been for the last 3 years as its sat in his closet if you PM him about any of it.
in3vitabl3on3 said:
^ Another case of a bitter, shitty player.

Same with the people that say Tribes "sucks" while they "q0wn" people in counterstrike :lol:

Up yours. He's entitled to his opinion.

I considered playing this game awhile back because it sounded like fun. Then a bit of simple math made me realize what the upfront costs were. With the pieces not even made of metal anymore, you really are a sucker if you pony up the kind of cash required to raise a serious army.

When they were still made of metal there was still a sort of collectible "thing" going on there, but now it's just a joke.

I suppose if you really like painting and customizing it could still be fun, but you do need to recognize that you're being ripped off.
floorpunching said:
BeardedWarMammoth has chaos stuff he wants to sell: see Bloodthurster, tanks, lots of units for pretty cheap. He spent like 2 grand on this stuff, be sure to make fun of him for it like ElWapo, Raven and myself have been for the last 3 years as its sat in his closet if you PM him about any of it.
