Anyone on Warsong (alliance)?


Veteran XV
Rolled a couple characters there (human priest, ne war), someone float me a loan so I can twink my shit out and get some bags. If you have any lowbies I wouldn't mind burning through some quests or grinding some fat xp either. Only played a couple hours between the 2 of them so priest is only lvl 6 and war only 9 but no raids on Tich this week = plenty of PL time.
PL? What's that stand for? Phat Loot? And I don't have any characters on Warsong, I had heard a number of things about that server. Mainly it being one of the main "problem" servers when they had to do emergency maintainence. That or overlflowing queues and many server restarts.
coming from Tichondrius to Warsong has to be an upgrade in server stability, shit can't get worse than what I've played through and will continue to play through since release. A few guildmates are rerolling there out of boredom and lack of fun things to do at endgame just as something to do, I have no plans of serious raiding there but leveling is fun and easymode is a nice change of pace.

PL = powerlevel (look it up, i don't want to confuse you feannag)
PessimiStick said:
Powerlevelling you fucking twat. Nothing to do with tradeskills.
:lol: man sometimes i feel bad for feannag

but in his defense, you *can* PL a tradeskill if you wanted :)

I used to play on warsong, never got past 42 on the server though. Lots of good players there though. Pretty popular shaman there named Sham.
There is no point in defending:

1) not knowing PL , its been used in every RPG that i can think of. It would be better to just figure it out. Saying he wasn't sure what it was from the context was stupid. It was: I have a lvl 6 and a lvl 9 char, we could duo and PL. I don't know about PL'ing tradeskills with others.

2) Thinking he was going to PL tradeskills. 1st, He's got no money on the server as he's previously established. What is the two things you need to PL Tradeskills? Money and lvl 35.
Feannag said:
Oh that. Don't you have bots or underpaid Asians to do that for you?
Aggro group of mobs, stand back, higher level AOE's them down, xp++. I figured we had more people on Warsong :( RL friend of a guildmate plays there so he rolled a lock, a few of us felt like doing something different so 3 others rolled as well. I've never played a melee class in WoW so I'm looking forward to playing there whenever I get an off night on Tich.
A lot of T:V team grapple rolled there.

Gnome, Gmankuza, Iscandar, Pronigy, and myself. Most of the others moved on. But we still play there daily.

Equality said:
Dont help smaqaho he is a faggot
You're just mad I have 2 chars ahead of you. Pick it up, slacker!! BTW James didn't tell me it's an established server (until making this thread I assumed it was one of the fresh ones from a couple weeks ago), can't wait for another couple rounds of hillsbrad/arathi/stv!