Anyone here have problems with piercings?


I got my upper ear pierced a couple weeks ago. I'm just wondering if there's any shit I should know about taking care of it, and if there are any stories that might help me avoid major disfigurement & scarring.

if i had a webcam I'd post a pic but sadly I'm poor.
I have a problem with piercings.

Anything other than your earlobe makes you look like a moron with a needle fetish.
I stepped on a nail once. Went in one side and out the other.

Soap and water and some peroxide and two band-aids, no problems at all. :)
I no longer wear it, but I had the septum (middle part) of my nose pierced when I was 16, by a friend (not the brightest idea), and I had no problems. I used to study ballet, and I could take it out or put in a retainer, and noone could see it. Plus there is no visible scar, and I think I can still put it in, although I haven't worn it in a while. I have problems with my earlobes though, because I don't wear earrings very often. So when I do, it hurts.

edit: ok, the damn thing is finally closed. It took about a year, but I can no longer wear my nose ring. I guess its the end of an era :(
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Your piercing will take at LEAST a few months to heal.

Even a healing time of a year is not as farfetched as it sounds.

Sleeping on it will be a problem at first obviously, and even months in the future but nothing too bad.

It will secrete some liquid from time to time. Often when you wake up or haven't had a shower in a while, and when you mess with it a lot.

Everytime you take a shower make sure you spin it completely around and get all the scabby shit out of there.
Cartilage does take a while to heal. When you think it's healed, it'll start hurting again because you've slept on it or something. :shrug: I have two in the cartilage on my left ear - one is a few years old and obviously is completely healed, one I got last May and is also fully healed. I just rubbed a little soap on them in the shower twice a day and that kept them clean. Move your ring or stud around a few times a day to keep the hole clear. As long as you keep your ears clean, you shouldn't have a problem.
First, you should keep it in for at least 2 months before you start removing it every so often to clean it better. It will get infected, sometimes it'll emit a slight smell, and will stay red, but just keep cleaning it *constantly*. It shouldn't last more than a month though. Use anti-bacterial soap (non-scented, it could increase a chance of a bad infection) or hydrogen peroxide.
Also, always keep it as tight as possible to prevent it from falling out.

I got my eyebrow done and my gf got her labrae done. It didn't go well for me. The dude who did it not only pierced mine at an odd angle (near vertical, it should be a slight bit slanted) as well as using a small bar. A few days after I got the thing, the bar slipped out one morning in the shower, and the piercing place wasn't open as early as I was up. By the time I went to get it done again (about 3 hours later) it had sealed, and the regular artist pierced it at the correct angle, almost crossing the other pierce. The aggrevation of the skin and me having to remove it for work finally resulted me in pitching the thing - it wasn't worth it.

So I guess my long-winded point is (and I realize you got your ear done, so it'll probably be less of a problem) don't remove it, keep it tight, and clean it every 2-3 hours for the first week or so.

cool cool. My biggest wory is getting a bit of a scar...

I've been keeping it pretty clean so I should be ok. thx for the advice.
yea, the cartilage in your ear runs a high risk of "cauliflowering" where it gets infected and becomes an ugly mess, finally scarring in a weird way, all boxed like.

My eyebrow has a bad scar from the dual-piercing, but that's what I get for making a stupid decision :/