Anyone have experience with a Nook/Kindle and care to recommend one?

Le Sean

Veteran XV
I know apple is going to wave it's dick around pretty soon with the ipad, but that thing couldn't be further from what makes a legit ebook reader work. Does anyone have the kindle or the nook or opinions on either device?

Right now I'm looking toward the nook since it seems to be getting faster with each update, and I cannot stand the look of the kindle's keyboard.

Someone. Talk me down.
get an iPod touch

it's 1/4 the price of any other "ebook" reader, is fully compatible with all ebooks (and pdf documents) and doubles as a music player, video player and portable gaming device

battery life is ~7-8 hours when reading e-books on it
I have a book app for iphone. The app is good, but reading for a long time on a LCD screen is pretty rough on the eyes.

I've only used a kindle and would recommend it to anyone. It's very tough, fast, easy to navigate, and the screen is great. You will hardly ever use the keyboard once you get started, so dont focus too much on it. Also, even if the Nook is faster(I dont know if it is or not), it's not going to be a difference you notice. It's just text. You're focusing on the most useless attributes. Think about screen size, weight, navigation, book/mag/blog availability, ect...
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Oh shit, gang! Shit just got real. Look how real shit just got!

Amazon buys touchscreen startup Touchco, merging with Kindle division -- Engadget

Amazon buys touchscreen startup Touchco, merging with Kindle division
By Ross Miller posted Feb 3rd 2010 4:15PM

In what we're hoping bodes well for future Kindle iterations, Amazon's pulled out its credit card and picked up New York-based startup Touchco, who specializes in -- you guessed it -- touchscreen technology. The company will be merged with Lab126, a.k.a. the Kindle hardware division. Here's why we're excited: the startup claims its interpolating force-sensitive resistance tech can be made completely transparent, works with color LCDs, and can detect "an unlimited number of simultaneous touch points" as well as distinguish between a finger and stylus. Current cost estimates put it at less than $10 per square foot, which The New York Times says is "considerably" less expensive than the iPad / iPhone screens. We're not expecting to see immediate results with this acquisition, but given the proliferation of touch in the latest batch of e-book readers, it'd be foolish of Amazon not to join in on the fun. Ready for the Kindle 3 rumor mill to start up again?

Chances of me continuing to do nothing but hold my dick: high.

I was thinking, if mufti gets in this program, that 14 hour flight to japan is gonna necessitate some stylish literacing.
Kindle is much nicer. I brought my wife's Kindle in to work to compare to someone who had the Nook. The Kindle is much more responsive and just better in general. The touch screen thing is neat in concept, but truthfully, it's distracting when you're looking at text on the black and white e-ink screen. The person who had the Nook said that they were glad they didnt see the Kindle before they were given a Nook for xmas because they probably would have been disappointed.
i tried out the nook at a B&N store and i was not impressed

i havent had a chance to play with a kindle. i'm patiently waiting for color e-ink.
I generally agree that reading stuff on the iPhone is horrible, small font + lcd = shit.

However the iPad at 9.7 inches should be fine. Plus it's an IPS panel. (best viewing angles)
I was VERY close to buying a kindle but Amazon caving to the publishers to change pricing to $12.99-$15.99 broke it. For that price its close enough to just buy the hard cover and the extra cost of the unit isnt enough for the advantages of the electronic version.
My mom has a kindle. It's pretty neat. She seems to enjoy it. And if you're lazy, you can get it to read to you.
I have a nook, and as of right now I would advise a kindle over it. It just has too many interface issues right now to be worth it. On the other hand, it runs on android OS, so the issues are easy to fix and could push it above the kindle eventually. The one advantage I can think of right now is the nook's microSD slot, which lets you store more music/books on it.
My daughter has a nook and loves it. The fact it's more open to more file types is a huge factor at least to me.
I'll probably end up waiting. Amazon caving to Mac annoyed me, and I'd like to see how the industry behaves once the ipad is out. I also don't want to shell out cash for something that should be figured out already.

I'm reminded of just a few years ago when no smartphones were intuitive (besides winmo+certain programs) until the iphone came out. Suddenly, manufacturers and carriers figured out what the public had known for a long time--if you are going to have touch screen devices, make the buttons large enough to just press with your fingers instead of the typical stylus.

I've heard a lot about Nook being slow. It being an android device does leave room for improvement, but how is it 2010 and we still have heavy-hitting devices with unintuitive menus?

I just don't want to throw down some cash for a reader to potentially save me money in the long-run (although convenience is my most pressing concern) when it still seems we haven't had that 'ah HA' moment with the ereader as a device category yet.

And then, there is the GooglePad lurking in the shadows...
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I was VERY close to buying a kindle but Amazon caving to the publishers to change pricing to $12.99-$15.99 broke it. For that price its close enough to just buy the hard cover and the extra cost of the unit isnt enough for the advantages of the electronic version.

Yeah, that pissed me off. I'm not paying $15 for an e-book. That's just fucking stupid.
Prices of e-books need to go way down. Seeing an e-book that costs just as much, sometimes more, than the hard/paperback is really fucking annoying.
The other publishers with Amazon are already starting to follow suit with Mac. Everyone knew it was going to happen if Amazon caved. Just a matter of time now.
I gotta say that paying the same or more for an eBook rather than a physical book is fucking STUPID. I'm not having to pay for all the paper, ink, reprinting etc etc etc.... why the fuck should I have to pay as much for an electronic copy of a book or even more in some cases? I hope B&N don't raise their prices.