Anyone else not care about the high gas prices?


The higher the better. At some point the market will break when it can't sustain the price. The average household can only take so much financial stress before it has to adapt by riding a bike to work, taking the bus, or replacing that Ford F350 with a Honda/Toyota.

And the best news of all would be the high price finally forcing a breakthru in technology to get us off oil. Change only happens when it's really needed it seems, sure it can happen the slow way but when push comes to shove technological leaps always seem to happen at just the right time. (okay maybe just a tiny bit after the right time but it still happens)

So when my friends are bitching about the price at the pump, I'm secretly cheering it on to go higher and higher.

I only fill up every 2-3 weeks cause I usually bus it. It doesn't really worry me that much.
And the best news of all would be the high price finally forcing a breakthru in technology to get us off oil.
...or the oil companies could continue to use their record breaking profits to pay lobbyists and congressmen to squash any legislation funding research or mandating changes.

...or the government subsidized corn growers could continue to pay lobbyists and congressmen to mandate the use of corn based ethanol instead of funding the research and development of cheaper alternative sources, like sugar cane or (ZOMG!) hemp.
The reason I'm pissed off that gas prices are so high is because of the record profits being made on Oil. I'm all for moving away from it, but prices are unnecessarily high.
$1.02/L around here today, but that's camouflaged by the high $CND. Without that, we might be looking at $1.35 - the point where people really freak out.

High gas prices are a pain in the ass, but fossil fuels are freaking primitive and I'll take that temporary pain if it means we can move on to more modern energy solutions any sooner.
i dont cre relly. lso i spilled wter on my lptop this morning nd now the letter a doesnt work oshit it just worked tht time though but now its broke gin, fuckin god dmnit
...or the oil companies could continue to use their record breaking profits to pay lobbyists and congressmen to squash any legislation funding research or mandating changes.

...or the government subsidized corn growers could continue to pay lobbyists and congressmen to mandate the use of corn based ethanol instead of funding the research and development of cheaper alternative sources, like sugar cane or (ZOMG!) hemp.

Even given that, won't the market still break at some point? And sooner rather than later?
I have a 45 mile (one way) commute and I like the higher prices. in fact, I want them higher. I'd prefer it if we increased the price via taxation so we'd not only be paying a more realistic price for gas, but also had the money in public coffers as opposed to oil company coffers.

the price of gas in the US has been artificially low for years, and it's still artificially low. the cost of our military infrastructure, which is primarily aimed at keeping the oil going, isn't factored into the cost of gas at all.

tax the fuck out of gas and then direct that money towards public transit, public transit infrastructure, and alternative fuels.

and while we're at it we should tax the fuck out of the oil companies as well and use that money to cover the costs of military stabilization and security of oil producing regions and transportation routes.
Even if gas doubled or tripled in price to $6-9 something a gallon, I wouldn't change my driving habits. I spend significantly more amounts of money elsewhere and gas is a pretty small part of my budget.

Yes I realize this would make goods and services cost more which would affect me, but I'm just pretending triple the price, everything else being equal.
Even given that, won't the market still break at some point? And sooner rather than later?
Nope. The economy will just enter a recession. The more that people spend on gas, the less money they have to spend on other things.

Even if there were some major breakthough and we could run our cars on water you've still got millions of households with their gasoline dependent vehicles that won't have the money to replace their primary (and sole) mode of transportation. Not everyone lives in the city or suburban areas where mass transit is an option. Not everyone works close enough to home where biking or riding the subway is a viable alternative.
As the prices go up I just drive less. If I didn't work across town, I could probably go w/o a car all together.
The first thing people give up when they have to make a decision on having enough money to fill their gas tank so they can drive their car to work are all the extra creature comforts, like ordering a delivery pizza.
It sucks but ive got to get to work somehow.....
I really do hope it kickstarts some research or results in an energy breakthrough. I cant fucking WAIT until we can give the middle east the finger and watch them wither away into nothingness....