Anyone else having issues with 1.11 & AQ?


Veteran XV
Besides the Skeram issue that was hotfixed after we dropped it, we cleared to C'Thun last week and decided to do Ouro first. After dropping Viscidus and the worm on night2 we moved onto C'Thun and anyone eaten in phase2 ended up stuck in the stomach. The launch pad was broken so as debuffs stacked up people died. Not to mention the stomach tentacles or w/e died right away in phase2 and we never got a vulnerability phase to DPS.

Another guild on our server alliance-side had a similar issue but in the middle of their phase2 Ouro popped up in C'Thun's stomach and started sand blasting the raid.


It's bad enough that they put well over an hour of trash mobs into a clear, but as of Tuesday there was still no hotfix for C'Thun so it's a tossup if you get a bugged eye or not. I guess good thing is our guild is skipping both BWL and AQ this week and focusing on Naxx (alternating aq + farmed naxx one week, full naxx next week), but we missed out on basically the only mob in AQ worth downing last week.
we had the same issue. have everybody rez and zone out. wait 30 minutes for a soft reset and then try again. it worked for us.
This has been reported to occur when you kill Ouro before killing C'thun. Some people have gotten jewed, some get a killable C'thun.

We haven't gone back to AQ since the patch, but I'm told the Phase 1->Phase 2 transition on C'thun causes 30-40 seconds of delay on the next combat pulse, so your priests and shaman can rez anyone who died in phase 1.
Yeah, I would have to imagine its another unintentional bug. Maybe they tried to fix the post kill combat bug and fucked it all up.

If its intended, c'thun would become one of the more trivial fights in the zone.
yeah, I heard Ouro was bugged too.

he'd teleport people into C'thun's stomach.

Vem and Co was bugged too, the princess would heal the other bugs, not just herself.
Zombie said:
yeah, I heard Ouro was bugged too.

he'd teleport people into C'thun's stomach.

Vem and Co was bugged too, the princess would heal the other bugs, not just herself.
Princess one probably isn't a bug, or shouldn't be, anyway.