Anyone else had this issue? (can't make any more chars)

Ben Reed

Veteran X
Okay, here's the deal:

A month or two back I hit the character limit trying to make yet another goofy little alt. No problem, I said, and deleted one of the many alts I had never played. After that, I was able to make a new character and went merrily on my way.

These days when I try to make a new character (was going to break down and finally try making a twink), I once again get the "You have the maximum number of characters allowed on this account" message, but no matter how many random level 1 alts I delete (I have deleted at least 15 by this point), it never lets me make a new one.

At first I thought it was just Illidan, but after having checked I can't make any more characters, ANYWHERE, it seems. My account is paid up and in good standing, I really don't get what's going on here.

I have talked to people in my guild about it and nobody seems to have a clue. I have even put in a ticket and the GM couldn't help me.

One of you bitches step up to the plate and bail me out.
My friend has the same problem. He contacted a GM and the GM said "I know what the problem is. I can't tell you what it is. It will be fixed, but you will have to wait."
The database does not update immediately. This is how they can restore characters. Once your deletes actually go through (not sure how long that is, honestly), then you will be able to make chars again.
See, I wouldn't be worried about that except that I have been deleting characters, on and off, for the past month and a half.

Does the database REALLY update that slowly?
how do you have so many alts?

Heh, most of them were the result of insomnia, of making a little level 1 paladin and then getting bored of it as soon as my eyes were once again capable of decisively shutting.

I have about...8 characters on Illidan, 8 on Tich that I never play, 8 on Mal'ganis that I never play...1 or 2 on Nordrassil from a get-together with other e-nigs...1 or 2 on Dark Iron from my first failed twink venture...a bunch that I never deleted from my first days in retail when nobody had decided where they wanted to roll yet. You'd be surprised how fast 2 or 3 alts on like 12 realms adds up.
How many fuckin' toons do you have? In the past nearly 3 years I've played I have created and deleted dozens of alts across at least 15 realms. Presently I have less than 24 total on four realms.

Clearly you have made and deleted so many toons in such a short span of time you're hitting a server-side limit before the DBs update. So care to tell us how many total characters you had created across how many realms before this happened?
Jesus Christ, you people seem baffled that a man is capable of creating characters he doesn't play.

But whatever, lemme go count how many I have now.


6 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 +, well, there's more than that, but there's certainly more than 50. And i'd wager about 10 of them are above level 10, heh. :D
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LAWL I finally fixed it, the trick was just to delete a shitload more alts, LOL.

Thunderca--er, Twinkbuilding, hoooooooooooooooooo!
just sort the realms by the characters you have and delete all of the alts you never play

i think i have 4 on korgath, 5 on shadowmoon, 2 on gurubashi and thats all
6 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 +, well, there's more than that, but there's certainly more than 50. And i'd wager about 10 of them are above level 10, heh. :D

More than 50? How many realms do you have toons on higher than lvl 40? Personally I can't stand playing on more than 1 - 2 realms so I condensed all my higher level characters into two I know there are friends that play there as well.

I mean you have a 10 character limit per realm. PvP you can get 10 Alliance one one and 10 Horde on another, assuming you have one account of course. Normal you can have the option to mix it up if you like and put any combo of 10 as either Alliance or Horde on there. Even if you factor in a desire to roleplaying there should really be three, four tops if you plan on making a Normal realm all-Alliance or all-Horde. And even then I can't conceive of playing on 3 realms at once. You just can't keep track of AH prices, who you play with, your character and their professions and class, etc.

If you can do that more power to ya, but I can't.
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