Anyone else get sick after flu shot?

flu shots are stupid. there's a chance you'll have bad reaction and they only cover the strains that they basically guess are going to most prevalent in the coming season.

and that most people think they are getting a shot for the wrong sickness. What most people think is the flu, isn't.
even better are the dumbasses that waste 100+ bucks on tamiflu once they've already gotten it and it's about run its course.
There's no science behind my findings but the two years I've gotten a flu shot, I've gotten terribly sick.

I abstained one year and didn't get sick.

I got another this year and have been fine.

All my posts anymore are like an unfunny NGFM. I may have to quit TW.

This is because that's all the FLU shot does. It get's you sick so you won't get sick again.

I stopped getting flu shots because those were the year I would get the sickest from the flu.
My dad almost died from a flu shot once. Turns out he was allergic to eggs. At least he was around the time he got the shot (he wasn't before that, as I personally saw him eat eggs for breakfast numerous times).

Makes me wonder if I'm genetically predisposed to randomly develop an egg allergy when I get older, or if the flu shot helped instigate it. :worried: