Anyone do a sleep study?

"I grind my teeth at night very badly."

TMJ sucks, but theres ways to fix it. Ask your dentist for some ideas. If not there are therapies that actually train your brain to not do it.
I had a sleep study done ~5 years ago. Went in to see if I had Apnea and they discovered that I had this mild case of Narcolepsy that you refer to in your OP.

My experience:
I have incredibly sensitive facial skin and my face formed huge welts around all the sensors they put on my cheeks, I was so uncomfortable that I made them take off the sensors. In the end they used medical tape but I still had a lot of discomfort.

Made me sleep from midnight till 8 am then did 6 repititions of lights on 45 minutes, lights off 15 minutes. I went into REM sleep on 5 of the 6 fifteen minute naps.

I've been on 9 different medications for the Narcolepsy and it blows, good luck to you and I hope you don't have sensitive skin.
I've done one. Its ridiculous. First off the bed is a grotesque piece of shit and uncomfortable as fuck. Second they wake you up at times and give you either sleeping pills or sugar (depending on what the local interns hypothesis is).

Thirdly, its almost impossible to fall asleep in a stark white room without getting ancy.

I thought I had delayed sleep phase disorder coming in, and they diagnosed me with .. delayed sleep phase disorder. Same prognosis and treatment plan that I was already on, minus a couple hundred dollars.

Big thumbs down on the experience, and no cute nurses for morning happy time either.
My experience was not uncomfortable at all (aside from getting used to lying down with a bundle of wires wrapped around me, which didn't take too long (tentacle rape experience carries over well)). I guess I just got lucky with the lab referral from my primary. Not sure how you would research the quality of particular sleep labs in advance...

But I guess they were only looking for sleep apnea, narcolepsy was not suspected.
i would like this done, i have some sort of insomnia, but its not constant, just one day i won't be able to sleep. its off and on, and then if i don't have that i over sleep. say i don't hear the alarm clock or the power goes out, i sleep for 16 hours.
i would like this done, i have some sort of insomnia, but its not constant, just one day i won't be able to sleep. its off and on, and then if i don't have that i over sleep. say i don't hear the alarm clock or the power goes out, i sleep for 16 hours.

I have similar symptoms. Are you tired throughout the day, regardless of how much sleep you get during the night? Do you take naps, but don't feel refreshed? Could be narcolepsy.

I went to my primary physician, who referred me to the sleep specialist, who sent me to his sleep study. I go this Wednesday (I"m off work this week, worked out perfectly). I'll update when I get through. I can have a computer with me, so I'll post from the room if I can get internet.
I had a sleep study done ~5 years ago. Went in to see if I had Apnea and they discovered that I had this mild case of Narcolepsy that you refer to in your OP.

My experience:
I have incredibly sensitive facial skin and my face formed huge welts around all the sensors they put on my cheeks, I was so uncomfortable that I made them take off the sensors. In the end they used medical tape but I still had a lot of discomfort.

Made me sleep from midnight till 8 am then did 6 repititions of lights on 45 minutes, lights off 15 minutes. I went into REM sleep on 5 of the 6 fifteen minute naps.

I've been on 9 different medications for the Narcolepsy and it blows, good luck to you and I hope you don't have sensitive skin.

Thankfully I don't have sensitive skin...but that's not to say it won't bother me. I definitely think I'll also be going into REM sleep during those naps. But we shall see. Only problem I'll have is being in an unfamiliar place...and I don't usually fall asleep in 15 minutes...but we'll see.

Thanks for the input guys. I appreciate it.
I'm a sleep technician. I'm actually waiting for my patient to get here right now. He's having a diagnostic polysomnogram done. The study can be fairly easy and comfortable if you have a good tech and you're at a nice location that is clean and comfortable. Most of the patients we get here are overweight and often times have obstructive sleep apnea. They usually have to come back a second time so we can do a CPAP titration. If they don't tolerate the CPAP we switch them over to BIPAP. I've seen many cases where the CPAP titration is a full success and the patient wakes up refreshed and full of energy, but it does take time to get used to the masks. We use respironics as are our provider.