Anyone a member of the "I don't Watch T.V." army?


Veteran X
Nothing against people that do. I'm sure people think I'm a fucking weirdo. Hell they think I'm a weirdo and they don't even know I don't watch T.V.

Its been 8 months now without cable or even bunny ears. I read a shit-ton more now.

I've kind of ostracized myself from alot of office conversation...and I think women are turned off by the fact I don't watch t.v. but whatever.
I torrent shows I want to watch. So I don't watch much TV (an average of 2 hrs a week or so) but I still have a TV so I'm not part of your army.
I've noticed that people who say "I don't watch TV" are generally faggots who just say that to be different.

I like history channel, tlc, discovery channel, animal planet, and a&e. But one I don't feel that 60$ a month is worth it. And second the only time I watch a little t.v. is at friends places who have TiVO and have recorded shows off these channels. And thers no way I'm paying 60 a month for cable, whatever tivo costs, and then a monthly fee on top of that to whatch 4-5 stations and 4-5 shows really.
I watch 24, Lost, The Shield, and The Office. Other than that, I don't spend time mindlessly channel-surfing or watching something that doesn't really interest me. I guess you could say I don't "watch TV"..
i pay for cable and basically only watch the fox soccer channel. i watch lost on wednesdays and will sometimes catch reruns of that 70's show, king of the hill, or seinfield,
i dont watch tv except for 24 and family guy, sometimes american dad
every once in a while i will watch the history channel when theres nothing else to do, but that's pretty rare
If you download TV episodes and watch them, then you watch TV. I don't think many people sit there and mindlessly channel surf, either. They know what they like - they turn the TV on when they want to watch something, and turn it off when it's over. Downloading the episodes is just making it more convenient for you.

And yeah, most of the people who "say" they don't watch TV actually do.
I honestly don't watch anything. Last time I watched tv was with my family at xmas. Law and order marathon recorded on tivo.

I kind of miss history channel and keeping up on all the cool nature shows on animal planet though.