Any upcoming games worthy of getting a new PC for?


Veteran X

I am considering building a new PC as my current is about four and a half years old.

I can still play most games, FPS is getting pretty low, but everything is still playable.

Except for Planetside 2...

I have been enjoying PS2 but it is not quite a game you drop $1000 to build a new PC for. I scratched my head and I am coming up short on games coming out soon, besides PS2. I like all types of games, by favor multiplayer games in general.

So, does anyone know of a good list of games I can check out that may help me persuade myself to buy a new PC?

real reply: if I was still a PC gamer I'd be gearing up to upgrade my shit for GTA5
GTA5 will come out on PC way after consoles get it probably. There's no way that game will need anything more than mid-range hardware from a few years back.
Id suggest saving up another 4-500$ and purchasing an i7 6 core processor on the 2011 chipset after the smaller architecture comes out and the current batch drop in price from 500-1k dollars as they are now. Some of the cost will go to the processor, some for the motherboard, they'll both be a good chunk of cash, but it is a very quick platform to upgrade on later.
yes, you won't need to upgrade your pc until the next-gen consoles come out (maybe 2014?)

I agree with this guy. The new consoles won't be out until next year, and that will give you a better idea of what hard ware to get.

Wait and save your money until Chris Roberts new game comes out.

I also agree with this guy. Only game on the horizon that's going to push pc limits.