Any pHp coders?


Veteran X
I'm having a problem with a script i'm running in my band's page.​
The script gives a timeout on the following line

This is the rest of the script:

$startingpoint = "<div id=\"main-content\">"; 
$endingpoint = "<a name=\"109785977847064434\">"; 

//don't mess with
preg_match("/^(https?:\/\/)?([^\/]*)(.*)/i", "$theLocation", $matches);
$theDomain = "http://" . $matches[2];
$page = $matches[3];

$fd = fopen($theDomain.$page, "r"); // maybe "rb" (not working)
$value = "";
	$value .= fread($fd, 4096);	
$start= strpos($value, "$startingpoint");  
$finish= strpos($value, "$endingpoint");  
$length= $finish-$start;
$value=substr($value, $start, $length);
// end "don't touch this part"
 This is disabled until you remove the // in front of this line.
$value = eregi_replace( "<IMG alt=[^>]*>", "", $value );   // Remove all image alt="whatever" tags
$value = eregi_replace( "<class[^>]*>", "", $value ); // Remove all variations of <class> tags.
$value = eregi_replace( "<table[^>]*>", "", $value ); // Remove ALL variations of <table> tags.
$value = eregi_replace( "<tr[^>]*>", "", $value ); // Replace <tr> tags with  blank space.
$value = eregi_replace( "<td[^>]*>", "", $value ); // Remove all variations of <td> tags.

$value = str_replace( "</font>", "", $value ); // Remove closing </font> tags.
$value = str_replace( "</table>", "", $value ); // Remove closing </table> tags.
$value = str_replace( "</tr>", "", $value );  // Remove closing </tr> tags.
$value = str_replace( "</td>", "", $value ); // Remove closing </td> tags.
$value = str_replace( "<center>", "", $value ); // Remove <center> tag...
$value = str_replace( "</center>", "", $value ); // ...alignment calls.
$value = str_replace( "<b>", "", $value ); // Remove <b> tags.
$value = str_replace( "</b>", "", $value ); // Remove closing </b> tags...

//$value = eregi_replace( "<javascript[^>]*>", "", $value ); //remove javascripts
//$value = eregi_replace( "<script[^>]*>", "", $value ); //remove scripts

// replace normal links with HTML to open fetched links in new window
$value = eregi_replace( "href=", "target=\"_blank\" href=", $value ); 

// open links that use " in new window 
$value = eregi_replace( "href=\"", "target=\"_blank\" href=\"", $value ); 

$FinalOutput = preg_replace("/(href=\"?)(\/[^\"\/]+)/", "\\1" . $theDomain . "\\2", $value);
echo $FinalOutput; //print to page

flush (); 


The goal of this script is to pull content off of one page and insert it into​
another page. In this case, news updates.

I'm hosting the files at

The total point of this message is...Is it just the server's timeout limit that is messing this up, or am i doing something wrong with the actual code?

Thanks for any help
besides the parse error , it works fine on my local host and the server i tested it on, so its probally your host
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