Any of you ever hit your girlfriend or boyfriend?

i dont believe in hitting females. once an ex and i were wrestling around, and she grabbed that tender meat on the inside of my thigh, reflexes made me pop her in the shoulder hard enough to knok off the bed, i felt soooooo bad
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i just strap her to this for an hour or two

that shuts her up

JuggerNaught said:
i dont believe in hitting females.
As a matter of principle, I would have to agree...

But once she balls up that purdy little fist of hers & tries to play in the big-boy sandbox...

Adios chivalry! :fight:
FngrBANG said:
As a matter of principle, I would have to agree...

But once she balls up that purdy little fist of hers & tries to play in the big-boy sandbox...

Adios chivalry! :fight:

well...i believe on meeting force with equal force. if its a small girl, that cant really do any real damage, i'll just block some, take some...she'll run out of juice. if she's a girl that can actually do damage, she'll get back what she gives...but i never every throw the first punch
fngr you have way too many posts
get a life :D

aside from that, one time my female/girlfriend/whatever kept bothering me about something at at the time i was relatively pissed at her.. i cant remember well (RAGE BLACKOUT) but after enough provocation i flipped around grabbed her wrists (not hard, just grabbed) and told her to leave me the fuck alone

i think stopped talking soon after :) (which was a good thing)
JuggerNaught said:
well...i believe on meeting force with equal force. if its a small girl, that cant really do any real damage, i'll just block some, take some...she'll run out of juice. if she's a girl that can actually do damage, she'll get back what she gives...but i never every throw the first punch
So you're basically saying that if Jackie Chan were female...and you dated him/her...and she/he began playing kung fu music on your head and nutsack...

You'd just let him/her get all tuckered out.
Gangrel said:
fngr you have way too many posts
get a life :D

Halfway through my clinical the instructor decided to call it a day.

Now I'm just waiting for the Mrs. to get home...
lucky bastard :)

as long as my female jackie chan didnt make another gay shanghai whores movie.. i wouldnt beat her too much
I get the feeling that most women want equal rights and to be treated equally, so I have no qualms with hitting them and helping them feel as good as men.
lets get fngr hatin women so as soon as she gets in the door he just smacks her

"what do they call a whore in tyler"
"fngrs wife"
FngrBANG said:
So you're basically saying that if Jackie Chan were female...and you dated him/her...and she/he began playing kung fu music on your head and nutsack...

You'd just let him/her get all tuckered out.

depends on if the female chan can do any damage. i've gotten bloody noses from girls before, never retaliated, had body shots that left minor bruises...never retaliated. i dont like hitting women at all, i'll give them 2-3 chances to stop, and will block them all day long. if i find that she has more than enough skill and ability to be a formidable opponent..and i find this out because of a jab to the nose...then her ass is had. thats when i adopt a policy similar to yours, that if she thinks she's tough enough to come at me like that, then she's tough enough to get what comes back at her.