Any of you cool 80's kids have an Action Max?


Veteran XX
Finally remembered what this damn thing was called. It was kind of the precursor to live action games on the Sega CD (which I loved)

I only played the bundled Ace Combat game or whatever it was called, because it ended up being a piece of shit. But those commercials suckered me in.

No but i have a stretch armstrong

Stretch Arm Strong is filled with red syrup.

Don't stretch it too far and let the syrup out. The syrup will fuck up your parent's rug.

I had a Stretch Monster as well.

Best toy ever. All his limbs and his head are attached with Velcro. I would drop kick this fucker for hours and chuck him into walls n shit. It let me be a destructive kid without ruining any of my parents' shit.
I had that thing that was kind of a gun but looked like a space ship and it went with a sci-fi tv show that you could shoot things on. Can't remember the name of it.
no but i had a teddy rupskin with a motorized mouth that my brothers broke the lower jaw off of so when you played a tape in him he would just waggle his tongue in the open air and make electric motor noises