Any new, good games out there?

I'm having a shitload of fun with friends playing Left 4 Dead on Xbox..maybe it's the same for the PC?
Do you have an iPhone or iTouch?

All 5 Pangea games are on sale this week for 99 cents each. Look for Enigmo, Cro-Mag rally, dinosaur2, Bugman2, and Billy Frontier.
i only find competitive multiplayer games fun now... except puzzle games on my iphone while im taking a shit or waiting at a restaurant.

many of us are playing war3:DotA until sc2 and diablo3 come out. id also recommend TF2
Prince of Persia comes out this week on PC. I don't know how you feel about playing 3rd person action games on a computer, but I highly recommend Left 4 Dead.
Dead Space was fun, but not a lot of replay value

Dead Space is currently pissing me the fuck off with its console ported mouse movement which feels like mouse smoothing is on a thousandfold. That and when you get cornered the camera angles are retarded. Also the entire game is fixing the ship.