anubis is the worst poster in the past 5 years

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ya he bad

But "worst" is a stretch when you have full-auto douche cannons like arsin, BitchDumbai, and tehvul still posting.
In terms of effort per shit post he is definitely one of the top 3 worst posters. Competition between Goshin, Anubis, and Mitch. Tehvul sometimes occupies a spot in the top 3 depending on whether or not he took his medicine. Vanster is creeping up there too, probably rounding out the top 5.
he is an effeminate twink... similar 2 falcuk but falcuk is slightly more tolerable

there is no way you cna convince me there is a poster worse than anubis

he is gay as fuck
I skip arsin/anubis posts completely unless I scroll down and see people are ripping them for something, then I'll go back and laugh along
I don't think I'd say he's the worst. He is definitely among the most stupid though. Kid has no idea what he's talking about. Guy is a general fucktard.

I think some of this is the language barrier. He's not very good at expressing himself in English. But he's probably roughly on a Goshin level in terms of general likeability -- I can't say for sure, haven't met the guy.