Another Shitty day in paradise............

so, no new updates since the last time you said that dubai is great


Yeah sorry, nothing much has changed in 2 weeks, maybe a cuppla degrees warmer. The purpose of the new thread was because I now have some of the pics people asked to see. For people, read trolls, but hey now i'm just being picky.
why is the sky always so grey

where are the pics of your wife on the beach

edit: oh she is in the background

ok where are the closeup pics of your wife on the beach in a bikini
Welcome to ignorance hour, your late arrival in this series of threads is excused, but, It is neither illegal nor outlawed, although i'm not sure if there is a difference.

Jesus fucking Mohammad in the ass. I was just saying something I heard. I thought you were in paradise? You seem a bit uptight for someone in paradise.
He altered your pic.

Fuck me, I missed that. :clap: Fool just went up enormously in my estimation, which i'm sure he'll be pleased about. Funny as fuck. Subtle humour though makes a change from the bog standard fuckwittery i've becomes used to.

Nice work Fool.