Another Dawn of War expansion in the works.

Machine said:
Winter Assault fucking sucked.

No sluggas for slugga boys, what the fuck is that?
Only flamers for chaos marines?

No, Chaos retained their Heavy Bolters. Flamers went away. The intention was to make them play differently from the loyalists.

Not sure what you mean by "no sluggas". Their pistols are sluggas.

But yeah, there were a few missteps in Winter Assault.
Why are gou guys bitching so much about WA? the first patch that came out after WA came out was pretty good.

I dout the Necrons will be in this one. It's not as if they have invested alot of time into them(2 models). The other will be tyranids. The devs were hinting that they would make an appearence in WA for a long time but nothing ever came of it. Im guessing that they started working on them, then shelved the idea because they were really late getting the expantion out in the first place.

Tau is ok by me. I think alot of PC gamers will take well to them.
arcadus said:
what i dont get is why they made necrons slow, when they moved the same amount (6") as everyone else in tabletop

Just for a clostephobic effect I would guess. The last lev was badass.
Reggs said:
Why are gou guys bitching so much about WA? the first patch that came out after WA came out was pretty good.

I dout the Necrons will be in this one. It's not as if they have invested alot of time into them(2 models). The other will be tyranids. The devs were hinting that they would make an appearence in WA for a long time but nothing ever came of it. Im guessing that they started working on them, then shelved the idea because they were really late getting the expantion out in the first place.

Tau is ok by me. I think alot of PC gamers will take well to them.

Devs have already stated that Tyranids are not possible with the current engine, due to limitations with the graphics. Not to say they couldn't change their minds, I suppose, but they've been pretty clear about the "no 'nids" thing in the past.

The real contenders are the Necrons and Dark Eldar.
tyranids would be awsome. nothin like 80 million guys on the screen. i remember playing them the first tiem and having to roll like 50 dice
Reggs said:
Why are gou guys bitching so much about WA? the first patch that came out after WA came out was pretty good.

IG is still broken. For a "defensive" race, they excel at rushing, in addition to being pretty good at defense. Morale has lost its importance due to the number of morale immune units that can now be fielded, research has been unnecessarily trimmed down thereby allowing fewer choices, teching is now the #1 priority in games as more units are rendered obsolete by their higher tier counterparts which for some strange reason cost the same or sometimes less than the lower tier units. The game has turned into a spam fest to see who can tech faster, and that's without putting all the unit bugs and imbalances into the mix. Assault Terminators reinforce faster than most units can kill them and they can stun infantry and vehicles alike, Obliterator weapons are still broken, Power Swords do massive damage to buildings and vehicles (more so than power fists...), Techpriests can still own the crap out of most early infantry squads, etc... not to mention all the damage oddities that result from typos in the .lua files.

I'm not entirely sure why they felt the need to mess with the DoW formula for WA, but it sure as hell didn't work.

I wonder what happened to that Tyranid mod. I haven't heard anything for a while.
[meph]DarkDonut said:
are the singleplayer campaigns for the first DoW and WA worth picking the game up for?

First one yes, second one....only if you like skirmish, the sp in winter assault is a little too busy for my tastes.
the SP campaign in DoW is only like 6 missions, so you can beat it in 1 night if you know what you're doing. pick it up used.
Harlequins :lol:

btw do they have titans yet in these games?

I only played the original, and I stopped playing after the 5th level or so, after an hour of searching the map for the one building I somehow missed. I hate games designed like that.
Jagonath said:
Harlequins :lol:

btw do they have titans yet in these games?

I only played the original, and I stopped playing after the 5th level or so, after an hour of searching the map for the one building I somehow missed. I hate games designed like that.

Doubt they will since a titan would be far larger than the maps (if they are to the epic model scales), they do have you fighting over a broken one though in WA it never moves though.
It always bugged me that these games lacked flying units. Call me a Starcraft Fanboy, but its just something I expect. :shrug:
Waidan said:
Devs have already stated that Tyranids are not possible with the current engine, due to limitations with the graphics. Not to say they couldn't change their minds, I suppose, but they've been pretty clear about the "no 'nids" thing in the past.

The real contenders are the Necrons and Dark Eldar.


I dont know why they would not be possible. They said no nids for the 1st game and hinted they would be in WA but it never came to be. It at liest shows an interest to have them in the game.
Reggs said:

I dont know why they would not be possible. They said no nids for the 1st game and hinted they would be in WA but it never came to be. It at liest shows an interest to have them in the game.

Oh, I'm sure they have interest. Virtually every poll I've seen on the subject suggests that Tyranids would be the most popular addition. The devs have stated the issue lies with getting an organic look to the 'nids...particularly the larger critters. They don't feel the engine would do the 'nids justice.

But you never know, they could've come up with a workable solution or had a change of heart on the matter.
I really like to see some individual SM and Chaos chapters, I.E. Blood Eagle, Space Wolves, Emporer's Children, etc.

But that would be nightmarish to balance I think.
CarpeIppon said:
I really like to see some individual SM and Chaos chapters, I.E. Blood Eagle, Space Wolves, Emporer's Children, etc.

But that would be nightmarish to balance I think.

psst...Blood Eagles were from that Tribes game. ;)

I would dig playing Space Wolves, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that one ('cept as a mod of course).
Dark DeamonTyranids and Chaos Orks would be the best two

IMAGINE Deamon Carnifex wailing on a Chaos WarHumunculous
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Waidan said:
Oh, I'm sure they have interest. Virtually every poll I've seen on the subject suggests that Tyranids would be the most popular addition. The devs have stated the issue lies with getting an organic look to the 'nids...particularly the larger critters. They don't feel the engine would do the 'nids justice.

But you never know, they could've come up with a workable solution or had a change of heart on the matter.

Ah, I can see that. The "hide" would have to be elastic.