[Another Cell Phone Thread] Thunderbolt or something else?


Miss Deaf Texas++
Veteran XX
Hey guys,

Finally looking to drop my 2nd gen iPhone and get off of AT&T. I definitely want to go Droid this time around since I've fucking had it with iTunes. Initial reading is making me look at the HTC Thunderbolt. Anyone have this already and can give me the low down? Any other phone recommendations? Thanks.
this thread also benefits me, want android but not sure which is the best because there are a million of them.. and i'm lazy
anything samsung galaxy s-related

fascinate, captivate, vibrant, epic 4g

battery easily lasts 20+ hours of moderate to heavy use

manly phones for manly men
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HTC phones are notorious for being feature-rich with 6 hour batteries

they try to make weird excuses like 'well battery technology hasn't caught up to modern smart phones yet' while most other manufacturers easily last a full day
One other thing you may want to consider, do I want to root the phone later?

Check the forums for the different phones and see if rom development is happening if you do plan to.
motorola bionic out yet?

love my atrix on att, its a similar phone

dual core, 1gb ram, qHD screen, finger print scanner
i don't use an app to consolidate SMS w/ social media and IM; i don't mind keeping them separate

trillian is the best for everything not-SMS, though
if you're on Verizon the Galaxy S II may not have LTE, the case is pretty thin for the 4G radio to fit
with the current speed of lte its not a big deal; its 4g hspa+ radio can hit 21 mbps anyways which is at a theoretical higher than the 12 you get on the thunderbolt.
i just got my first smart phone and i picked up the samsung charge - although i don't have anything to compare it to i'm pretty blown away but the capabilities. i live in MA and 4g is only available in a few areas. the battery goes fast and i've been advised to turn off data and switch to wi-fi whenever possible to conserve battery.