Ann Coulter reads my posts.

I've said it before, but, as a voter, there isn't a single candidate worth voting for.
If you want a conservative you're in the wrong party.

Well there is sort of a point. The mainstream view of conservatives are people like our friend BionicBooger over here, a social conservative. Those of us who are fiscal conservatives are lumped into that religious right wing. There are very few of us fiscal conservatives that don't have that social Christian view sadly. Dare I say we really should form our own party.
did nobody check my fucking utub links

It was pretty good, she's an ignorant cunt.

that bit about the teacher telling her students that only the kids who used tupperware and not saran wrap got smilies and equating it to a religious ideal was pretty awesome
If republicans nominate anyone else currently still in the race, I'll be doing a write in because I hate everyone who is left. But if it's Mccain, yeah I'm voting democrat for spite. Maybe next time they'll nominate a conservative.

Why does every fucking canidate have to be a fucking conservative or a fucking liberal? Someone please answer why we have to have EXTREME presidents.
My God that vapid Cunt still gets airtime? Is the media really so desperate that they need to give this fucking woman attention?
Well I said it here a few days ago. If that Juan McCain is the republican nominee, I will vote democrat to spite the republican party for not nominating a conservative. Ann Coulter agrees.

And then my spite vote if the Democrats nominate Hillary will cancel yours out.
I love it when extremists throw a hissy fit when it turns out nobody likes their horrible candidates.

Or even better, when they cry foul about how there are no candidates that conform to every single one of their beliefs.
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Do some research, you can start here. If no one fits your criteria, don't vote or write in someone who does :shrug:

Just be informed.

I'm informed, and so far, I'll be writing in Allison Stokke for pres, with maybe the Geico lizard as her veep. If I'm going to throw my vote away, I'd at least like someone to read it and go WTF
You know if Romney was Catholic/Baptist/Protestant/Lutheran etc. He would win. Sad really but thankfully he's a Mormon and won't win.