Ann Coulter calls into Adam Corrola's radio show, gets hung up on

guy sounds like a dick really.

i mean, her views aside, it sounds like it wasn't her fault, and spent an hour and a half trying to get the right number.
Beren said:
guy sounds like a dick really.

i mean, her views aside, it sounds like it wasn't her fault, and spent an hour and a half trying to get the right number.
I don't it wasn't her fault.
Makasuro said:
I would hang up on the stupid bitch too

Can't sleep :(

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Beren said:
guy sounds like a dick really.

i mean, her views aside, it sounds like it wasn't her fault, and spent an hour and a half trying to get the right number.
Conservitives have views. Liberals have views. That walking creature of the night has only one thing, hate. She spreads hate speech, and the sooner media outlets realise this and stop having her on, the better.
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PJ said:
Conservitives have views. Liberals have views. That walking creature of the night has only one thing, hate. She spreads hate speach, and the sooner media outlets realise that she just spews hate and stop having her on, the better.

bleh screw that.

What happened to freedom of speech and all that?

if she spews hate then people should call her on it in public. Not hang up on her because she was late for something she couldn't avoid. You only lower yourself to her level.
Beren said:
bleh screw that.

What happened to freedom of speech and all that?

if she spews hate then people should call her on it in public. Not hang up on her because she was late for something she couldn't avoid. You only lower yourself to her level.
Freedom of speech? She has no freedom to go on that radio show unless the radio show's owners allow her. She was way late and they decided they didn't want her on the show anymore. She never had a right to be there in the first place, so there was no right to infringe upon.

And "her level" is hate speech. I'm not quite sure hanging up on someone is the same thing.
Re Beren: You really need to read up on freedom of speech, relating to the US constitution. Because you obviously have no clue what it really means.
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hey mister dumbass' i wasn't talking about the radio show re:freedom of speech.

i was talking about PJ's comments. i.e

"That walking creature of the night has only one thing, hate. She spreads hate speach, and the sooner media outlets realise that she just spews hate and stop having her on, the better."

Her opinions maybe full of hate. What the hell do i know about it. i have never heard anything she has said. But her saying her opinion when a media outlets asks her for it is very much her freedom of speech right.

Her being an hour and a half late obviously nukes her chance normally of getting on the air. The fact she did at all was just so the guy can be a dickhead in hanging up on her.

My original post was saying how the guy was an ass, hanging up on her when her being late was obviously not her fault. Sure deny her airtime when she is late. The show move on in an hour and a half. But the way the guy acted was to be an asshole.

if he doesn't agree with her views, sure debate her on it. But when spends an hour and a half trying to get his number cos she was given the wrong one, to then hang up on her? he is a dick.

you guys are totally the pot calling the kettle black.
Okay, honestly Beren, if you've never listened to anything that insane wench has said, you really should withold your judgment.

Ann Coulter is just ... sad.
Beren said:
hey mister dumbass' i wasn't talking about the radio show re:freedom of speech.
Firstly, if I misinterpreted your original statement, then I'm sorry. Secondly, when calling someone a dumbass, it lends more credence to your claim if don't add a mysterious nonsensical apostrophe to the word.
withhold my judgement? what the hell?

all i did was say the dude was an ass? i don't care if she was is hilter. how do you demonstate to dumbass joe on the sidewalk that she is hitler if you are an asshole for no reason? he didn't even link it to her political views or anything. Just to her being late, which she said she wasn't her fault, and that she had been tracking down the number.

if you guys can't see a problem in that, then there is little wonder you political system is such a joke.