andrews mHUD


Veteran XX
anyone else use this? I use andrews 15k config and I assume mhud is compatible with it and not just his larger config. I installed it correctly, just as it said to off of the website. It still doesn't seem to be working.

Also, I tried to open some of the weapon reticles to edit them, but it said that they were not valid bitmaps. Anyone have this problem or know what could possibly be wrong?
thanks. I used pbaedit to access them, and now I can open them up and edit. However, mhud is still not working. I unzipped to /config and still no go.
I converted all the reticles to windows BMP's too. I dunno what's wrong, maybe I'm making a mistake somewhere.
does mHUD have its own .cs file? if so it probably won't work because of different events parsing
afaik 15k doesn't support weapon events, you may have to use presto, or stripped also worked, sorta, the mhud for stripped is/was buggy

edit: if you would like to try stripped go to:

I don't have the mhud for stripped though, maybe Rosco does
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yeah, it's mhud.acs. Maybe I could use andrews larger config and it would work. I just prefer 15k and I hoped that it would be compatable. If not I'll find something else. Thanks for help