...and the Darwin award goes to

This Australian kid.
Kids or "ravers" these days tend to use nose inhalers like 'Vicks' or the Thai equivalent 'Poi Sian' where sniffing them essentially enhances their drug high. I'm not even sure if this is a common thing outside of Australia to be honest.

But what this kid was attempting to achieve was actually placing the liquid part of the Poi Sian IN HIS EYE (He outlined this within the comments) - the worst thing is not only are you blowing a menthol alcohol substance into your face, it is also blowing his bacteria laden salvia into your eyes. Obviously things are going to go wrong


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I have a Poi San inhaler I got when in Thailand. They are pretty damn strong and you wouldn't want to unscrew the wrong bit and tip that shit on you.
The darwin award would happen more often if the "state/us" stopped taking care of these numskulls.