An analyst on CNBC just said that financials always go up 21% after downturn. T/F?

I hope it goes up ~20%
I have put a good amount of $$ in citigroup recently

new ceo announcement didn't help :(
they will probably cut dividends some :(

but you can't always say "well this has happened in past". obviously the financials are hit hard w/ housing and credit crunch, it has never been this bad
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I would probably look into what that particular analyst has said in the past and see how often he's full of shit.

see: James K. Glassman of Dow at 36,000 by 2005, massive debts are a good thing, and claiming that he saw the tech bubble (and housing bubble) despite overly bullish predictions and major disagreement with those pointing out the bubbles fame.
Oh and by the way, that's the same James K. Glassman who has just been tapped by Bush to replace Karen Hughes as the undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs.
the same James K. Glassman who has just been tapped by Bush to replace Karen Hughes as the undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs.

1. being affiliated with Bush certainly isn't good for financial credibility

2. anybody joining the Bush admin at this point is obviously a complete moron