Alternate ways of timing Slam rotation besides Quartz?

Ben Reed

Veteran X
I've been getting a bit of input lag on Illidan lately, which wouldn't be an issue for my MS Warrior if it weren't for the fact that, of course, I rely on Slam for my PvE deeps (such as they are).

With even like a .5 second input delay, ever since the patch hit (I dunno if it's realm performance, or my crappy throttled connection speed, or what), I have been overwriting all my white swings with accidental Slams using the exact same timing (guided by Quartz swing timer) that I had been using pre-2.4.

As a result, since I cannot use Quartz to accurately determine when my Slam will start casting versus when my white swing comes out, I've had to result to manually watching my character to time my Slams -- easier on certain snoozy encounters (Lurker lol) and trash, but on actual movement or DPS-intensive fights, it's not at all efficient.

Would anyone else of the DPS persuasion have an idea for timing mods or methods that would better account for such input lag so that I don't end up gimping my already questionable DPS?

(As for the "just spec Fury, moron" option -- I'm working on the gear for it right now, but in the meantime I need a stop-loss measure of some sort.)
i'm in the exact same boat. if i find something you'll be the first to know, and please post if you find something you like.
Meh, right now I've just stuck to eyeballing it (if I can see my character) and waiting an extra .40 seconds or so after the Quartz swing timer rolls over to Slam. It's still not ideal, but it sure as hell beats missing the white swing altogether for a measly normal-hit Slam and a waste of 15 rage.

Guess I'm going back to ZA to get those gay-ass claws...or farming badges until my eyes bleed for the gay new fists.
It's weird, my mods have been working like every other day...

First day SCT was fine, second day it broke.

First day Quartz was fine, second day it broke.

Today Quartz works fine again, I run the same spec. Very weird. I didn't do too poorly eyeballing it...I would really just watch my rage bar and wait for the rage gain and then hit it but that's not as efficient as with the timer so it was frustrating.

Oh well...hopefully some of these things get ironed out in a few weeks...I swear Blizz put something in this patch to attack my UI more than ever :p
does weapon type matter for dual wield? assuming item stats are the same, is there any difference? i'm super dual wield noob :/ i made dragonstrike and grabbed the s2 off hand mace just to stick with maces. did i fuck up?
does weapon type matter for dual wield? assuming item stats are the same, is there any difference? i'm super dual wield noob :/ i made dragonstrike and grabbed the s2 off hand mace just to stick with maces. did i fuck up?

Type of weapon has nothing to say because if you're fury you don't have a specialization (except dw spec). - News is really helpful.
Type of weapon does matter if you're fury and you have racials that apply

Human: swords/maces, no exceptions--you're gimping yourself if you use anything else (Use a sword in one hand and a mace in the used to double your expertise rating, don't know if it still does though)
Orcs: Axes, same thing
I've been keeping my addons as up to date as I can and quartz still seems to work fine so far.

I guess worst case scenario is to do what you're already doing and watch for the swing animations.
just wait for the white hit. i know i can time my shots on my hunter without a timer. sure its harder because you have to pay attention, but dont always rely on addons.