All units Irene. I say again, Irene.


TW Racing++
Veteran XX
You can tell we didn't have any major hurricanes last year since they're already predicting doom and gloom 5 days out on this one. Although I must say that it did strengthen considerably today.
i wouldn't be surprised if the prediction cone keeps pushing further offshre and it ends up spinning away in the atlantic
that scene made me sad b/c lots of people get left behind all the time

like when fema left all the black ppl behind in new orleans b/c bush hates black people
News media trying to panic everyone in South Florida. Main weather dude (Phil Ferro) was on WSVN this morning, when it's normally a hot weather babe. We have to be prepared, bla bla bla, go buy a bunch of stuff. He's trying to pull round the clock shifts. Reports from Home Depot scaring everyone. Water in short supply. I topped off the tank this morning, lots of people filling up. This is who we normally wake up to.
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