Alex Jones just got deleted ( Fahrenheit 451 for reelz)

AJ is an idiot. LIke i said in the other thread, he's a really good fear merchant.

1st Amendment rights do not extend to the internet.

I wonder if in the not too distant future, social media will be split by political affiliation. Sites that only allow left or right points of view...and the occasional all encompassing site
It's already happened with Dailystormer, they're still kicking around on some backwater internet hosting service I think.

Some form of Blockchain decentralized internet is probably the answer.
I haven't been keeping up with the whole Alex Jones thing but I did see a decent argument earlier.

For most people the argument is "they're private companies, they can do what they want with their platforms. Free speech only applies to public platforms."

Where does "private" end though? What if his website host decides they don't want his content on their servers anymore? Alright he can host the website on his own server. What if his ISP doesn't want to provide service to his servers anymore? Could he be effectively silenced (as far as the internet goes) if the rabbit hole went deep enough since there isn't really a "public" internet? :tinfoil:

I didn't have a response for that one. I guess he could still go yell on some (public) street corner somewhere (although that would probably be "disturbing the peace" lol).
This already happened with StormFront awhile ago.

Edit: Or DailyStormer... whatever.
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Why does the timing matter? They have the right to do whatever they want its in their TOS of course they all probably axed him at the same time thats normally how it goes down in the business world. If someone takes a bath you all do at once.

Your totally not argueing the point, thats not uncomfortable thats business and capitalism. If he wants hosting he shouldn't be in court, selling snake oil, or spreading lies.

Lots of reeeee against private rights I swear you guys flip flop on this stuff.

Your uncomfortable because you dont apply private rights universally not their fault you flip flop.


Social media platforms have become the public discourse and the main way to communicate, express ideas, and even make a living all on the internet, and these tech giants have monopolized it. They need to become public utilities and be open to all and no political or other censorship.
triple said:
free speech is fine but hate speech and speech that invokes violence isn't

I wish Fool would ban triple again

because everything he says is stupid and i hate seeing it

and when he posts he makes me want to punch him in the face

i don't make the rules......I just ask they be applied consistently
given that, and what we know of AJ, there really is no controversy unless you're a butthurt conspiracy theorist mongoloid

total coincidence and not at all conspiracy that apple, youtube, and fb all just acted against AJ on the same week........despite him being on there since their creation


if you got kicked out of every bar in town and in your country on the same day it would also be a coincidence and not conspiratorial at all

same went for the accidental ban of Candace Owen, the previous FB ban of Diamond and Silk, Stefan Molyneux and Mark Dice videos being demonitized, events shut down, a guy interviewing Tommy Robinson having his account taken down off Instagram (owned by FB), and Twitter basically admitting last week that almost ALL shadow banned accounts belonged to Conservatives

Which were in the tens of thousands..........


Scott Horton, Peter Van Buren, and Dan McAdams have been suspended from Twitter.

If you go to their accounts, you will see their old tweets, but they are prohibited from making new tweets. They were reported by @KatzOnEarth for criticizing his posts. Please complain to Twitter.

And this again was just today........along with the director of Ron Paul's institute getting the boot.


yep......nothing to see here folks


Christopher Scott Murphy is an American politician serving as the junior United States Senator from Connecticut since 2013

no purge at all of anything right of center (which is actually far left)

A Four Person NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook On Flagging "Propaganda"

Nigel Farage Rages At Conservative Censorship: "This Isn't Capitalism, It's Corporatism & Autocracy"

The Bizarre Facebook Path To Corporate Fascism

Is Democratic Senator Mark Warner The Mastermind Behind Weaponizing US Tech Giants?

Senate Democrats Are Circulating Plans For Government Takeover Of The Internet

Mandatory location verification. The paper suggests forcing social media platforms to authenticate and disclose the geographic origin of all user accounts or posts.

Mandatory identity verification: The paper suggests forcing social media and tech platforms to authenticate user identities and only allow "authentic" accounts ("inauthentic accounts not only pose threats to our democratic process...but undermine the integrity of digital markets"), with "failure to appropriately address inauthentic account activity" punishable as "a violation of both SEC disclosure rules and/or Section 5 of the [Federal Trade Commission] Act."

Bot labeling: Warner's paper suggests forcing companies to somehow label bots or be penalized (no word from Warner on how this is remotely feasible)

Define popular tech as "essential facilities." These would be subject to all sorts of heightened rules and controls, says the paper, offering Google Maps as an example of the kinds of apps or platforms that might count. "The law would not mandate that a dominant provider offer the serve for free," writes Warner. "Rather, it would be required to offer it on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms" provided by the government.

If only I could connect these dots

if I could follow trends......if only i didn't love my head being up my ass and calling it a sauna
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this is like saying it is a "conspiracy" that they are trying to get Julianne Assange still

this is how dumb coombz' statement is in my mind

that there is a war to silence whistle blowers or anything that isn't the corporate sponsored narrative of events
It's already happened with Dailystormer, they're still kicking around on some backwater internet hosting service I think.

Some form of Blockchain decentralized internet is probably the answer.

"I just want to make something perfectly clear: my personal rights to freedom of expression and legitimate dissent have been viciously abused by the United States government.

My website,, was taken down from the internet by GoDaddy, and then stolen from me by Google. The backbone infrastructure service, Cloudflare, refused to serve my content. Tucows, a major backbone service, denied me service.

As I documented fully at the time, all of these major companies serve Islamic terrorist and pro-pedophilia content.

Following this, I was subjected to an organized campaign of disenfranchisement by virtually every single company capable of providing me with service. I have been denied service by more companies than I can even count. This has been ongoing for nearly a year.

I have done nothing illegal. I have not been accused of, let alone charged with, a single crime.

And yet the US government has allowed for an organized conspiracy of completely unregulated oligopolistic corporations to deny me access to the internet."

he had to escape to dark net

where apparently tor creators were upset about them being able to find a host or home there

because a little white supremacy, a little words online, is worse than the pedo network and human trafficking and murder for hire solicitations that comprise most of their bandwidth.

not at all disturbed by any of this

it is ok though......there will be two groups of people

those who eat their corporatocracy for breakfast and those who unplugged from the matrix
seriously, alex jones this fool

he's a Russia conspiracy theory moron and he is inciting violence and hate.