Alex Jones is F'd to the tune of $965 Million

I would really like to hear people's opinions that matter to me and listened to these two men talk...

and not just some useful tool who spouts off the ingrained loop implanted in their head

So much Awesomeness I don't think this thread can contain it.
Alex Jones | EP #18 | Royce White

even at a month old, it's still cutting edge news

''s the 6th administration of Herbert Walker Bush...'

posted again to get above the noise of the useful idiots
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i love this part
Alex (about who is more evil) - Briton to Israel, hold my beer

I'd love to get Regg & Sam's take on this
but, manmade global whatever the world government wants to tax you for being alive so they can set up a jew-controlled central planning department to control every aspect of your life.
Been a waiting 4 U to get this here so as 2 not have 2 C it on YT with their browser worms.
T Y 4 This !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
This is but the beginning of what AJ can present over the chronology of the time he has been on the radio and then the internet when it started..
AN RIP Trucker/Prepper buddy used to tell us before 1995 over the telephone: "U need 2 hear Alex Jones!! I listen to his broadcasts on the radio in my truck in the middle of the night as the stations were replaying it and on coast to coast radio" THIS WAS BEFORE THE INTERNET WAS OUT THERE.
That's 30 yrs ago.!!! He was the voice of ONE Shouting OUT into the wilderness of the radio world about all that which is happening now and has happened to get humanity into this imploding structure.
Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen,

All glory to the most high God!

We will wake up those who are still sleeping in these final hours by exposing the truly ridiculous & trivializing heliocentric model.

Now discover, discern, & download information regarding NASA(never a straight answer), Space X, The Bermuda Triangle, Enoch, Robert Frost, Antarctica, the North magnetic Pole, emergency flight landings, the black sun(swastika), flat earth, & the Globalist heliocentric model.

Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy,
to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
but, manmade global whatever the world government wants to tax you for being alive so they can set up a jew-controlled central planning department to control every aspect of your life.

hahahah and This is funny because we know WHO controlled every FUCKING moment of YOUR LIFE

minus taxes of course
anyway Alex & White are hovering above the truth
but this is funny


the meme could be done a hell of a lot better and psychedelic
but there was only one up there
I would really like to hear people's opinions that matter to me and listened to these two men talk...

and not just some useful tool who spouts off the ingrained loop implanted in their head

posted again to get above the noise of the useful idiots

I dont care much for alex jones. He is a fear merchant. He has always told like 90% of a story and the 10% he leaves out is the difference between what he says being something to be concerned about or just being fake alarmist bullshit