Ahhhh crap sex with the ex on Valientines

The question is how you got into a position where she tore into your pants and started sucking? Do you routinely meet up with your ex in a location where sex can occur?
PJ said:
The question is how you got into a position where she tore into your pants and started sucking? Do you routinely meet up with your ex in a location where sex can occur?

edit: in response to yaason, I forgot to quote

Seriously dude, you are like 18 or 19, right?

Unless you are totally mopy or can't talk about anything else, many girls don't mind a guy who is getting over a lost love. I think they find it romantic or something stupid like that.

Sometimes they even get that "nurse the wounded animal back to health" thing going on and decide that they are the one who can 'fix' you, which can be convenient (but can also be annoying, I guess).

Start seeing other chicks. It will either a) make you find someone else, b) make the ex jealous, c) show you that what you really truly did want was what you had nad inspire you to convince her to give it another try.
im 21. im sure i would meet more girls if i didnt spend all my time at work or class. none of the girls i have class with are dateable and none i work with are old enough. im used to being lonely. no biggy. i just need to get over her and be on my way
I need the "It's a trap" page... because that's what this is. Good luck getting rid of her.

"But, what about the other night? You mean you don't love me? Isn't it time to give it another chance?" Blah, blah, blah, suck suck suck - you're hooked.
PJ, its ok ... you will soon grow up.

Sex is good, regardless of whether its with an ex or not.
Taking pictures of your ex girlfriend who you just fucked, while shes asleep.

I see absolutely nothing that can go horribly horribly wrong....